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Unveiling Vision 2022 For The Winners’ Family


We  are the 7th year of the wonders Double divine visitation ,delivered on May 2, 2015 and as we are all know we serve a God of times and season, who makes all things beautiful in his times. Therefore, whatever the 7th year offers in God’s agenda shall be our experience this year, both as a church and as individuals in the name of Jesus Christ –Deut.15:1-2/12-14

We discover from scriptures that the 7th year of every God ordained agenda is defined as the year God Release ,that  is, where every debtors is release from the bounds of their indebtedness and every slave is set free from his or her captivity  Deut 15:1-3/12-24/Act.1-1

Therefore being our year of release into the new phase of the manifestation of wonder Double divine agenda, our focus for the year shall be wonder double multiplication of Disciples and not just attendance record growth, but member’s growth. Not just about souls winning, but much more about soul establishment, both in the faith and in church –Ezk.36:37/ Jhn.15:16



Remember, at Pentecost, 3,000 souls were added to the upper room church, and just as we saw the great multiplication of disciples(members) at the church in Jerusalem, the Wonder Double God will show up again in our midst this year –Act.2:41/ Act.6:4/7

Therefore, it is the will of God to turn every local Assembly in this Commission to “towns without walls” this yeat-Zch.2:4-5/Luk.12:32

Our 3-fold church Growth Prophetic Agenda for 2022

  1. Next level Order of church Growth and Expansion
  • Hitherto, we have been defining growth by attendance records, but we moving from the phase of attendance records to membership by emphasizing the protocol of retention of new convert and new members
  • Every local assembly in this commission shall be *minimum twice* the highest attendance ever recorded in each church this year, not just as attendees, but as full pledged members of the church by the help of the master builder of the church, Jesus Christ, amen



  1. Next Level Order of Growth in our Home Cell System
  • The ongoing cell growth and replication agenda shall continue
  • Every WSF Center shall yet replicate at least once this year, having attained the minimum requirement of 12 adult established membership of the cell
  • The Ark on the move cell growth revival shall continue once every month


  1. Next Level Order of Expansion in our Foreign Mission
  • We shall be establishing the strong presence of this commission across 75 additional nations of the world by the end 2022 by the Hand of Christ the builder of His Church amen –Mat.16:18


What then are we to do to see this 3-fold Mandate fully delivered?

We do not see vision fulfilled just because they are valid, but there are things to do to see any vision made fully manifest –Hab.2:1-3/Luk.6:46

This is why revelation alone does not count with God; it is applied revelation that engenders proofs –Deut. 28:1-2/ Josh. 1:8/Jam.1:22-25

Doing what God says to do about any matter believing, commits God’s to manifest Himself in our lives –Mat.7:24-25/ John 14:21

Here listed are some to the things we must have to do to see God’s prophetic agenda for the year 2022, come to pass in our midst, both as a church and as individuals:


  1. First, we must receive and believe any divine agenda for it to ever come to pass in our lives –Luk.1:45/ John 1:12
  2. 2. We must be spiritual in the pursuit of the prophetic agenda, so as to gain and retain access to His instructions and corrections in the pursuit -1 cor.2:14/ Isa.42:18-20
  3. 3. We must respond promptly to every vision and revelation from the Lord, in order to see them fulfilled –Isa.55:6/ Rev.3:20

Examples here include Abraham, Moses, Peter, and Paul–Gen.12:1-4/ Exeo. 4:17-20/Mat. 4:19-20/Gal. 1:15-16

  1. We must raise an effectual prayer alter to drive any church growth agenda, because it is spiritual warfare. – 1 Tim. 1:18/Eph. 6:10-12/2Cor. 10:3-6
  2. We must continue to seek after the wisdom of God for better ways of getting things done to see any Church growth vision come to pass –Pro. 24:3-5(Amp)/Jam. 1:5-7/Dan. 12:3
  3. We must keep giving thanks to God for every bit of result obtained in the pursuit of this agenda –Jer.30:19-21/Luck. 17:15-17


What are we to Expect in Return for our Engagement in this Kingdom Advancement Task?

  • Next level order of spiritual authority –Luk.19:13/17-19
  • Next level order of breakthrough –Luk.5:1-8
  • Next level order of health and vitality-Jhn.15:1-2/Pro.13:17
  • Next level order of favor –Psa.102:13-15
  • Next level order of glory –Pro.11:30/Pro.3:35
  • Next level order of joy –Luk.10:17/1Pet.1:8

…….and many more…


To the glory of God, we have experienced fulfillment of quit a member of prophetic landmarks in this commission, particularly since the Wonder Double prophetic agenda started in 2015 till date. But this year, being the end of the 7th year of the Wonder Double divine visitation, we shall yet see greater dimensions of prophecies fulfilled both as a church and as individuals, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Jesus is lord!








Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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