Understanding the Anointing by Kenneth Hagin


Reverend Kenneth Erwin Hagin was born on Aug. 20, 1917, in McKinney, Texas. Rev. Hagin was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life.

In August 1934, Rev. Hagin was miraculously healed, raised off a deathbed by the power of God and the revelation of faith in God’s Word. Jesus appeared to Reverend Kenneth Hagin eight times over the next several years in visions that changed the course of his ministry. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Rhema for Today.

In 1968 Rev. Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith. That magazine, now produced nine times a year, has a circulation of over 200,000. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated worldwide more than 65 million copies of books by Rev. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, and several other authors. Faith Library Publications also has produced millions of audio and video teachings.

Other outreaches of Kenneth Hagin Ministries include Rhema Praise, a weekly television broadcast hosted by Revs. Kenneth and Lynette Hagin; Rhema Correspondence Bible School; Rhema Alumni Association; Rhema Ministerial Association International; the Rhema Prayer and Healing Center; and the Rhema prison ministry.

LEAD #1: The Anointing on Jesus.

In the old testament, the layman( those who we today refer to as ‘believers’) had no anointing on him simply because God’s presence was confined in the Holy of Holies in the temple. However, there were three kinds of persons God anoints to stand in that office respectively: The King, Priest and Prophet.

David was one man that had these Three Anointings. Let’s see what Psalms 92:10 has to say as regards this.

Your anointing has made me strong and mighty.
You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me.

Fresh oil refers to the Holy Spirit(A kind of anointing).

Till date, God still anoints Kings, Priests and Prophets.

Prophets: He anoints them to be his spokesperson.

Priests: He anoints them so that they can be intercessors for the people.

Kings: We all are kings designed and destined to reign in life.

In the new testament, the anointing was on the ministry of Jesus.

Luke 4:18:
KJV The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because, he hath anointed me to PREACH the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to HEAL the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.

The above Scripture made us realize that God anointed Jesus for two major purposes: To Preach and To Heal.

Be aware that Jesus didn’t minister as a son of God, but rather, as a mere man anointed by by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus functioned in all the fivefold ministries which makes him a model for us all to follow. With these Bible verses, you’ll see it stated.
Heb 3:1 – As an APOSTLE.
Luke 4:24 – As a PROPHET.
Luke 4:18- As an EVANGELIST.
John 10:14- As a PASTOR.
Mathew 9:35- As a TEACHER.

We as believers all have a measure of the Holy Spirit for a purpose, but an anointing comes upon you to stand in the office/ministry that God has called you. Although it’s the same Holy Spirit it’s a different anointing.


LEAD #2: The Anointing Within.

As believers, we have an anointing ( an unction) that bides within us simply because in the New Birth, the Holy Spirit lives in us.

There is a dual working of the spirit in the life of a believer which are: The New Birth and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The New Birth blesses you. It’s water IN YOU, springing up into everlasting life.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit makes you a blessing to others. It is those rivers flowing OUT of you.

The Holy Spirit in us, bears witness with our spirit, it quickens, helps us to pray.

The Holy Spirit helps us by teaching us. This is why he never testifies of himself, but rather of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is a spirit of revelation.

Before we can walk on with God, sometimes we need to ‘unlearn’ some things.
Never allow your head to be educated at the expense of your spirit.
It’s a lot harder to ‘unlearn’ than it is to learn.

Learn to look at your (human) spirit even when your mind can’t grasp what you’re hearing.

Remember, the believer is called: believer, righteousness, light, Christ, temple of God.
while the unbeliever is called: unbeliever, unrighteousness, darkeness, Belial, idols.


LEAD #3: The Fivefold Ministry Gifts.

One thing you should know is that the word of God will work with or without the anointing. However, there’s an anointing that comes upon those whom God has called and separated unto ministry.

It’s the same Holy Spirit, but the anointing to stand in a certain office is different from the anointing that abides within every believer.

You’ll only get in trouble when you try to function in an office God hasn’t called you into just because you see other people doing it.

The gift of healing should go with the office of the evangelist.

Phillip in the Bible is the only model other than Jesus we have as an evangelist. This is because Philip was anointed by the Holy Spirit. And he was gifted to minister only in those areas of healing. Act8:5-7 recorded it.

As a minister, find out where your anointing is.

LEAD #4: The Anointing to Teach and Pastor.

The difference between preaching and teaching is that
To Preach means to proclaim, while
To teach means to explain.

When the anointing to teach rests on you, most times you’d be able to read something once and never forget it.

If you get any gift from God, prove it out first, then you can talk about it. But if it’s never proved, proclaiming it won’t make it so.

Let’s see what Acts 20:28 has to say.
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you OVERSEERS, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

It takes time to develop ministries.
You may be saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit right now, and the call of God may be on you to become a Pastor. But you still can’t start immediately because you need to prepare for it.

Always obey God whether you’re in the ministry or not. And you’ll see how God will promote you and use you in a greater way.

When you see the words used ‘Bishop’, ‘Elders’, ‘Overseers’, it’s referring to the Pastoral Office.

If you’re called by God to pastor, the anointing is going to be there to pastor.

Don’t be a teacher just because you want to be one, have the call and the anointing of God to do it, or else, leave it alone.

If you’re not in God’s best, you can’t claim God’s best.

If you’re not in God’s perfect will, you can’t claim his perfect provision.


LEAD #5: The Anointing of the Prophet.

Paul stood in the office of the prophet because he had visions and revelations.

The anointing of the prophet is the same Holy Spirit, but a different anointing.

There’s a difference between: standing in the office of a prophet and the simple gift of Holy Spirit.

The simple gift of prophecy is speaking to men to edification, exhortation, and comfort.

A good testimony inspired by the Holy Spirit is the simple gift of prophecy.

So just prophesying doesn’t make you a prophet.

You don’t control the anointing, rather learn to flow with the Spirit.

The “Hand of the Lord’ is the Holy Spirit. You can also call it the Anointing.

Music helps us worship God. There’s a difference that happens when you’re studying your Bible or praying.

Music affects all the ministries because it has something to do with the anointing in all the ministries, not just the prophet, because all ministers should minister under the anointing of the Holy.

The prophet is sometimes called a ‘Seer’ in scripture. Seers see and know things.


LEAD #6: The Anointing of the Apostle.

This office was filled by Christ himself. Apostle means ‘One sent forth’, ‘A sent one’.

Jesus Christ is a perfect example of a Sent One.

A true apostle is one with a commission, not one who merely goes, but one who is sent.

Paul didn’t learn what he knew about this subject from the other apostles, he got it by revelation. Jesus gave it to him.

Paul wasn’t taught the gospel he preached by man. The Spirit of God taught it to him.

An apostle’s ministry embraces all other ministry gifts. However the distinguishing result is the ability to establish churches.

The Apostle has supernatural equipment called ‘governments’.

These offices are in power, not in name. If the power is not there to establish churches, then those involved are not apostles.

A missionary who is really called of God and sent by the Holy Spirit is an apostle.

A missionary has the ability of all the ministry gifts.

There are four marks we can use to identify an apostle:

Outstanding Spiritual Gifts.

Deep Personal Experiences.

Power and Ability to Establish Churches.

Ability to Provide Adequate Spiritual Leadership.

God rewards faithfulness, he doesn’t reward offices.

A prophet won’t receive any more reward than a janitor who was faithful in the ministry of helps.

Higher offices do not receive greater rewards, there is just a greater responsibility.


LEAD #7: How to Increase and Yield to the Anointing.

Always know that there’s an anointing on you if you’re called to any office or ministry, whether you recognize it or not.

You can determine the degree of your anointing. This happens when you study God’s word and pray.

You can also decrease the anointing by neglecting the above mentioned. You can prepare yourself for the anointing. Remember most times what you’re not prepared for, doesn’t come to you.

In the case of Elijah and Elisha, you’ll observe that Elisha closely watched Elijah. The same Spirit got hold of him. That spirit will come by Association, Environment, and Influence.

If you’re going to follow somebody, be sure they are following the Lord. If they get off a little, don’t follow that.

If you want the same kind of ministry someone else has, follow that ministry closely.

If the desire for it is in your heart, it’s usually because God put it there. But the mantle will not fall on you automatically.

The more you yield to the Spirit of God and are taken over by him, the more results we would see.

Demons take people over against their will, but the Spirit of God will not do that against your will.

If you’ll learn to yield to the anointing and not be afraid, mighty things will happen.


LEAD #8: Peculiar Anointings.

We need to learn to appreciate all types of ministry.

God will use some people in peculiar ways these days, but they must first be sure the unctioning anointing is there. Recognize it and thank God for it, wherever it is.

You don’t need to turn your nose up at anything God is doing. If it’s bringing blessing to the people and getting them saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit, thank God for it.

Allow God to use you the way he wants to. Quit trying to be like someone else.

God anoints some people with special anointing and such brings forth marvelous results.

God wants to raise up a mighty spiritual army in these days that are equipped with his power and his Spirit, that he can place his anointing upon.

Seek the Lord concerning your ministry. Ask yourself these questions:
Am I where he wants me?
Have I got the anointing needed to stand in that office?
Am I a hanger-on?
Am I called or not? Etc.


LEAD #9: The Healing Anointing.

There’s something about believing God that will cause God to pass over a million people just to get to you.

Jesus ministered healing with an anointing of healing power.

Be aware that you can be anointed with healing power as God wills, but we can’t anoint ourselves.

God anoints people to heal just like he anoints others to preach, teach and stand in various offices.

You can still minister to people in faith without any anointing.

The power of God is not only a heavenly materiality; it’s a tangible substance.

The healing power is transferable/ transmittable. It will flow from one person to another, mainly by touch, such as laying on of hands.

It can also be transmitted by the application of a cloth or handkerchief to a sick person’s body.

Healing power is capable of being stored in cloth as it was in Jesus’ garment and in the handkerchief of Paul as it was in Acts 19:12.

Never make the mistake of going by what you think instead of what the bible says.

Electricity is God’s power in the natural realm, the Holy Ghost power is God’s power in the spiritual realm.

There’s nothing in the bible that indicates you can have a double portion of your ‘personal anointing’.

Elisha had a double portion of what Elijah had, but that was an anointing to minister.

Most healings us by degrees based on these two conditions:

The Degree of Healing Virtues Administered.

The Degree of Faith that gives Action to the Power Administered.




✍ Jesus didn’t minister as a son of God, but rather, as a mere man anointed by by the Holy Spirit.

✍ There is a dual working of the spirit in the life of a believer which are: The New Birth and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

✍The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of revelation.

✍Never allow your head to be educated at the expense of your spirit.

✍There’s an anointing that comes upon those whom God has called and separated unto ministry.

✍ The difference between preaching and teaching is that to Preach means to proclaim, while to teach means to explain.

✍If you get any gift from God, prove it out first, then you can talk about it.

✍ Always obey God whether you’re in the ministry or not.

✍ It takes time to develop ministries.

✍ If you’re called of God to pastor, the anointing is going to be there to pastor.

✍Don’t try to stand in an office, unless the call and the anointing is there.

✍ If you’re not in God’s best, you can’t claim God’s best.

✍ If you’re not in God’s perfect will, you can’t claim his perfect provision.

✍The anointing of the prophet is the same Holy Spirit, but a different anointing.

✍ Just prophesying doesn’t make you a prophet.

✍ You don’t control the anointing, rather learn to flow with the Spirit.

✍ Music helps us worship God.

✍The prophet is sometimes called a ‘Seer’ in scripture. Seers see and know things.

✍ A true apostle is one with a commission, not one who merely goes, but one who is sent.

✍ The Apostle has the supernatural equipment called ‘governments’.

✍ God rewards faithfulness, he doesn’t reward offices.

✍ Higher offices does not receive greater rewards, there is just a greater responsibility.

✍ You can determine the degree of your anointing.

✍ If you want the same kind of ministry someone else has, follow that ministry closely.

✍ The more you yield to the Spirit of God and are taken over by him, the more results we would

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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