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Categories: Gospel News


When you take your time to reflect on the happenings in our time , you will see so much similarities with was is happening now and what is written for us in the scriptures, but as simple as what i said now, many of us have not taken time to reflect on anything in years, many thanks to social media, we begin our day with chatting and end it with chatting, so there is absolutely no time to sit down and reflect on a number of pertinent issues that border on our faith and the reason we are where we today as the body of Christ and as a Nation.
For many of us, our opinions are formed through social media polls, comments, blogs, vlogs and so on , we are left at the mercy of people who are just desperate to “blow” even though it means spreading falsehood. The journey of the last days is a serious journey and as such we need to understand where we stand and who we are standing for, it is not a thing to assume but understand in all consciousness of the truth.
I opened my bible in the morning some days ago, and this scripture called my attention, “so the last shall be the first, and the first last:,..” (Matt. 20:16), and I thought about it, now, that we are beginning to see worldly celebrities turning over to Christ in their numbers, it will be terrible for those who have been standing for God now to be shaking , because, truly, the first can be the last and the last, the first.
Where is your stand, where is it? The last day’s journey is a serious journey, you need to know where you belong, you need to know where you stand and for whom you stand, in the days where the world is coming to the knowledge of Christ and surrendering fame and all that just to follow Jesus, it will be a terrible thing for strong believers to be trying to be like the world and envying the world.
The bible tells me, friendship with the world is enmity with God, so brother, we need a well-defined stand….. to be continued

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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