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“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

We are living in a time and season when you need to be definite and intentional in your relationship with God. God is coming back to flex His muscles. He is coming back to the centre stage where He will show Himself strong in the midst of His children.

So, everyone’s position and commitment must be very clear and total. There can be no assumptions. You can’t afford to straddle the fence! You are neither here nor there. No! You must take a definite stand for God. Don’t miss your moment. This is a very strategic moment that you have been waiting for. These are very strategic times that we are going into. Give more attention to God because there will be increased opportunities to make excuses and no excuse will suffice. There will be an increased opportunity for you to give excuses for why you will not be committed and why you are not there when you are needed. But no excuse will suffice. It is a decision of quality that you must make by yourself.

There will be instant personal breakthroughs in different areas of your life endeavours. The book of Hebrews 10:25 tells us about not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together more so as we begin to approach the end times. And we are already there! So, guard your faith jealously.

God never intended for any of us to be on our own. The devil wants to isolate you and then kill you. We need ourselves more than ever before. Two are better than one! You must never allow yourself to have a victim mentality. You are not a victim. You must enter the mentality of an overcomer. No matter what is coming against you, as far as heaven’s economy is concerned, you are already a winner.

When you have that mentality, your speed will increase; you will walk with your head high knowing that nothing is impossible for you. But as long as you walk around with a defeatist attitude you will never have the nerve to withstand the challenge that is facing you.

Further Reading: Psalms 84:11-12; Matthew 5:6

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Joshua 4-6; Evening- Luke 1:1-20

The post TAKE GOD MORE SERIOUSLY appeared first on The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM).

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