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Strengthening Your Faith To Blossom

Strengthening Your Faith To Blossom. How does green grass grow in a desert? How does a small jar of oil fill bigger jars? How do five loaves of bread and two fish feed 5 thousand people? the answer is – through faith. The wonderful thing about God is that He doesn’t solve complex problems with complex instructions, even though we sometimes expect Him to show up dramatically.  

What is faith? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV). Faith is what we hold onto, without it, there is no blossoming. 

How can we strengthen our faith?

Through worship: God wants our heart, He wants an atmosphere of worship. Sometimes doubt, worry and negative thoughts can crowd our hearts. But when we worship God we can see His greatness in that moment and we can see beyond our situations and circumstances. When we worship God our faith is strengthened and we can access His peace.(Romans 4:19&20) Abraham strengthened his faith by continuously giving glory to God.
Through God’s word: Our faith grows through hearing and reading the word of God. We need to meditate on the word of God as often as possible to fuel our faith. As you meditate on the word of God you build your faith and you will be able to do things led by God.
Through testimonies: When you hear the testimonies of what God has done for others you will be inspired that he can do it for you as well. Don’t limit the extent that you will blossom by your present circumstance. God is able to do exceedingly above all we could ever imagine. We must remain on heavens frequency, align with God’s strategy. (Ecclesiastes 9:11 NLT)
Through our oneness with Christ: We have to always walk with the consciousness that we are one with Christ. (Galatians 2:20 NKJV). God has the capacity to do and He is willing to do what He has promised to do, the question is do we have the conviction to receive the promise. 

Our desire this year should be to hear God’s voice. We have to give Him our heart and our mind and let Him feed our spirit. We have to maintain a relationship with the Holy Spirit, we can’t be too busy. Let’s not limit our expectation of what we want. We must strengthen our faith, we must be bold and courageous and open for direction from God.

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Seun Ladokun on Wednesday, January 24, 2023

Watch this sermon here

The post Strengthening Your Faith To Blossom appeared first on Daystar Christian Centre.

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