SmarTsung is a powerfully dimensional spirit filled music worshiper & Music director who is inspired by the Holy ghost to minister power into the lives of men…
He has professionally been in the music scene for years & his ministrations has influenced and transformed lives blissfully..
His music ministry is strengthened in the place of prayers and total dependence on the Holy ghost..
He has a lot of songs to his credit but deems fit to bring out this power piece titled “Your Hand”..
The Song titled “Your Hand” is a song that’s birthed on the platform of prayers…
It carries a Divine and supernatural empowerment to transform the lives of men and destinies that’s are faced with life’s threatening situation and challenges…
The song “Your Hand” is an instrument of Gods manifestation and transformation Agenda to beautify the lives of men…
Its rudiments and rhythms are all inspired by the Holy ghost..
Produced by Tobass Adolphus..