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In our Focal Scripture, when Jesus found the man He had healed at the pool of Bethesda, He said to him, “You are made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto you”. Jesus alluded to the fact that a worse thing could come to that man if he returned to a life of sin. Sin was going to be a gateway that would usher in greater afflictions than the one Jesus had removed. Sin was going to reverse the progress the man already made.

Friend, in 2024, don’t re-invite old negativities through a lifestyle of sin. Don’t welcome back the afflictions that God has rolled away by indulging in sin. Don’t open the doors of your life to the enemy through sin. Don’t break the hedge of the Lord around you through sin. Don’t lose the progress you have already made because of the appetite for sin. Don’t cause the works of God in your life to be a waste through sin.

Thankfully, Jesus took responsibility for redemption when He offered up Himself on the cross. If you have signed up to be redeemed by Jesus, make no more room for the works of darkness in your life. Refuse to make room for sin in your life. Be done with sin in full, and refuse to have it take hold of you anymore. Refuse to live under the impulses of the flesh. Break away from old negativities and hold on to the newness you have in Jesus.

If Jesus would personally announce that the man He healed had been made whole, but that sin could cause a worse affliction to come, then you must be wary of any temptation that wants to take you back to old sinful ways. The temptation to embrace sinful living is an invitation for express authorization to the enemy to bring you a worse affliction than you have ever suffered. Sin is your authorization for destiny reduction and extinction.

Stand fast in the finished work of Jesus. Refuse to be entangled in the yoke of sin and negativity. You were not redeemed by El Roi so you could go back to bondage. You were redeemed to stay redeemed.

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