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We have come to realise that our service to God is not to the advantage of God but rather to our advantage – Job 36:11
Every time, a man, a woman, commit themselves to serving God, they reap benefits from doing so. What we have been trying to examine during the course of the week are the benefits that accrue to us as we commit ourselves to serving the Lord. This morning, we are going to look at 2 other benefits that come our way as we serve God.

Going after souls, which is one of the ways we serve God is a capital proof of our love for God which guarantees pace setting order of returns.
When a man or woman demonstrates the genuineness of their love for God, one of the effects is pace setting returns.
John 21:15-17
From this scripture, it is clear that loving God is not in word only, but rather it is indeed. There are validations of our love for God. Peter was vocalizing his love but Jesus was requiring that he starts validating his love.

It is not enough to vocalize our love for God, we have a responsibility to validate our love for God. And the validation of our love for God among others is in our pursuit of the lost. Somebody may say, “but Jesus said, feed my sheep.” He is talking about those who are saved already and that is not necessarily so – John 10:16

There are those that are to be part of His fold that are not yet so and we have a responsibility to go after them and in doing so, we validate the genuineness of our love for God.
It is important that we recognize that when a man or woman validate their love for God, there are certain manifestations that begin to follow after.
One of those manifestations is Pacesetting order of returns or results.

1 Corinthians 2:9 – When a person is validated as lover of God, they emerge as pacesetters to their world. When an individual is validated as a lover of God, he or she emerges as a pacesetter. He said, “these individuals will produce such results that eyes have not seen, the kind of order of returns that ear have not heard, the things the heart of man have not been able to conceive.” These are the manifestations that come as a result of one’s validated love for God.

Ephesians 3:17-20
When you are filled with His love, you are filled with God. The Bible tells us very clearly, he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him – 1 John 4:16. When you are God-loaded, you are a wonder to your world, you end up as a wonder to your world.




Romans 8:28
You can’t frustrate a God lover. When a man is in love with God, that individual is destined to be a wonder to his or her world. It is so important that we recognize this. This is the vital secret to bringing the best out of life. When your love for God is validated, you become a wonder to the world.
-I see that becoming somebody’s experience in the name of Jesus Christ.
Very importantly, we must understand that the in the programme of God, the end time is God’s season for the rise of giants. He is raising pacesetters, trail blazers in this season.
Obadiah 1:21

We are in the season of the rise of giants. Individuals that will command relevance in their world and those who will be selected for such manifestation in the programme of God are the ones who validate their love for God.

Psalm 87:5,7
Zion will be a place where you find all the springs of God loaded. Men of relevance and those individuals will be those who are validated as genuine lovers of God.

I will like you to understand therefore, loving God is not wasting time, loving God is building destiny.
Loving God is not wasting time, a God lover will always end up a living wonder. You are not wasting your time loving God, you are not wasting your time pursuing God, you are not wasting your time serving God. Every genuine God lover ends up as a living wonder.

You have heard God’s servant share his testimony many times and he said, “he would be pursuing God and people would be asking him, ‘Brother David, we have so many other things to do, this is not the only thing to do.’ He would say to them, ‘Me, this is all I have to do, I am chasing God.’ I am after God.”
It was so serious at a point, one of his teachers said to him, “David, if you are going to be a Preacher, be a Preacher. If you are going to be a student, be a student.”
He said: Sir, I am a full time Christian and a part time student.

Hear this and hear it very well, until your love for God is a concern to men, you are not yet a true lover of God. When you find a lover of God, his love for God will become a concern to people. People look at him and they wonder what is happening! He said, at a point, he said to his colleagues, “look the time of ‘brethren let’s go’ has ended. Now it is ‘brethren, I am gone’, if you are interested, follow after. I am gone, I am not going to negotiate my commitment unto God”; and look at the result today, a man who will not compromise his heart for God will always have a stand in the world.

Serving God puts believers in command of the supernatural. There are many today who are praying, “Lord, give me power.”
But hear this today and hear it very well, the Kingdom of God is such that power is with purpose. Only those who are ready to pursue the purpose of God, the agenda of God are entitled to the power of God.
Acts 1:8 – Only those who are ready to be witnesses, who are ready to pursue His purpose are entitled to His power.

Luke 10:1, 19 – Who are the ‘You’ there? Those He appointed and sent. Those who are sent by God, who are on assignment for God are entitled to the power of God. Is somebody getting what God is saying? If you are sent by God, you are on assignment for God, you are entitled to the power of God.
In the natural, on the roads, you have people who stand with weapons. There are those who are sent by the government, we call them Policemen, we call them Soldiers. They are entitled to carry their weapons. They are others who stand on the road and they carry weapons, they call them armed robbers, they are not entitled to carry the weapon.

As a result, if you shoot at an armed robber for carrying a weapon and terrorizing people, it is almost celebrated. Why? Because you are coming against those who are carrying weapon without purpose.
But you see those who are carrying weapon with purpose, when you shoot at them, the government comes against you. Why? Because the weapon they are carrying is with purpose.

God does not empower you without purpose – Mark 16:15,20. Signs, wonders, miracles, power manifest for those who are on assignment for God.

Therefore, you don’t need to struggle for power, pursue His purpose. Run after His agenda and you will see His power at work on your behalf.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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