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Publication – Sun 19 Feb 2023

TITLE: Why Every Winner Must Engage in Bringing NEW CONVERTS and CHALLENGED MEMBERS to CHURCH

Jesus said: ” and other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd” – John 10:16

As we all know,

✓ A crippled man must be carried to go from one place to another – Acts 3:1-6/16
✓ A sick man must be assisted to get across to Christ – Mak 12:1-12
✓ A wounded man must be helped to get access to his rescue – Luke 10:30-36

➢ Helping the needy brings believers into favour with God – Pro 28:17

➢ It secures the glorious destiny of believers – Psa 41:1-3

➢ Whatever is done for the needy is done for God Pro 19:17/Matt 25:31-40

➢ In this prophetic season of harvest, a number of our new converts and invitees will require help to get to church.

➢ It is our covenant responsibility to partner with Christ in bringing them to church for worship – Luk 14:23/Jhn 10:16

➢ As many as are blessed by God should endeavor to take advantage of this opportunity – Phil 4:10/Pro 10:5

➢ Those who are able to pay for one or more new converts and challenged members in the zones should do so with joy and as a privilege.

➢ Those who can hire a bus or more to convey new converts and challenged members to church should go ahead, doing it with joy.

➢ For example, we have well over 1,000 zones with loading bays across Lagos and Ota.

➢ Individuals who can afford this should cross-check with the various zonal centers to know how much it costs to hire a bus to convey people to church.

The following testimonies validate the blessedness of getting involved on this platform:

1. Divine Increase

“I joined this Commission in 2010. God blessed me with a bus, and I decided to use it to transport members to church. I was doing it faithfully and joyfully, but after some time, I had a challenge that want to affected the transport arrangements. I then prayed for God’s help. God surprised me and I was able to continue taking people to church for free. After a while, God saw my faithfulness and blessed me with another bus. Now I have two buses which I use to convey members to church and God has been faithful to His word in my life!’ – Peter, J.A.

2. Serving God: The Only Way to Stress Free Financial Blessing!

“We coveted the unparalleled love for God and stress-free success in God’s Servant. Thereafter, I was baptized with the grace to pray kingdom advancement prayer daily, every. Then, I was promoted with 100% salary increase. Also, my husband and I were privileged to transport people to Church on Sundays and God dazed us again with unusual salary increase of 120% each. Furthermore, we keyed into the opportunity to provide a bus for our zone without delay. Then the heaven opened for us, such that the income generated from the consultancy business began to run into over a million monthly. Indeed, serving God by taking personal responsibility is the highway to stress-free financial fortune!” – Janet Durotoye

Expect to be listed among the rising financial giants in this end time! Psa 35:17
Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


The post Publication – Sun 19 Feb 2023 first appeared on Welcome To Winners’ Chapel ICT Group.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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