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When the Amalekites invaded Ziklag, they took away the wives and children of David and his men. They took an action in the present, and that put the lives and destinies of the wives and children in jeopardy. Children are the future of every generation. So the attack of the Amalekites put David’s ‘future’ in jeopardy. What the Amalekites did, put the ‘future’ in captivity. What the enemies did in one day put tomorrow in danger.

Friend, whatever you allow the enemy to accomplish in your life today may endanger your tomorrow. The freedom you give the enemy in your today might be the license he has to decimate your future. If the enemy is pushing you to lead a life of sin today, be sure he is seeking a chance to hurt your tomorrow. If the enemy is leading you to be prayerless, it is a danger for tomorrow. If he is leading you to disconnect from God, he is simply positioning you for a future behind bars.

The goal of the enemy was to make the children of David and his men to become slaves. What the enemy did in their ‘today’ was intended to keep ‘tomorrow’ in servitude. Whatever attacks the enemy launches against you today, is for the purpose of letting you enter a future of servitude. The enemy wants your tomorrow to be filled with negativity. The enemy wants to have bondage and demonic activities planted in your future.

You will be making a huge error if you allow the enemy a free hand in your today. You will be making a huge error if you allow the enemy take hold of your today. You will be making a huge error if you allow the demonic attacks of today go unchallenged. You will be setting up yourself for disaster tomorrow, if you allow the enemy unfettered access into your life, family, career, finances, ministry, relationships, etc.

Remember, the goal was to take ‘tomorrow’ into captivity. Don’t let the enemy take charge of your future. Don’t permit your future to go into captivity.

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