Post-CityFest West Michigan means discipleship and community

CityFest has come and gone in West Michigan. But, in a region heavily influenced by the Church, was CityFest a challenge or a breeze?

“I think every city is hard and easy in its own way. For West Michigan, I think people are open to God, to talking about God, to talking about the Church. But our heart is to get beyond that. Our heart is really to remind people of the intimate relationship they can have with Jesus Christ, with the God of the universe,” Wendy Palau with the Luis Palau Association says.

“West Michigan might have this unique, Christianized culture, but West Michigan is made up of millions of people who are trying to figure out, trying to understand who is God—what is my relationship with Him? And we are simply calling them to walk with Him, to be in true honest relationship with Him.”

CityFest’s Foundations in Personal Evangelism

Palau spoke at the CityFest women’s luncheon in Grand Rapids, MI. The women’s luncheon was one of many events to make up CityFest West Michigan. These various events provide opportunities for people from all backgrounds and personalities to interact with CityFest and hear the Gospel message.

Wendy Palau speaks at the City Fest Women’s Luncheon in Grand Rapids, MI on September 5, 2018. (Header photo and photo courtesy of Mission Network News)

However, these events work because of local church involvement. For example, local Christian women had the opportunity to be a table host at the women’s luncheon. Hosts could then invite nine women to take a seat at their table during the event. These women could be friends, family, or that girl you always run into at the gym.

CityFest partnered with 435 churches in West Michigan. Palau acknowledges the local Christian community’s joint efforts to bring CityFest to West Michigan are not sustainable. CityFest is structured mostly around personal evangelism instead of mass evangelism for this reason.

“All we do is in, through, and for the local church. Because the local church[es] are the disciplers. The women’s Bible study groups, they’re the disciplers,” Palau shares.

“The table hosts today who have invited nine women to sit are their table, they’re the ones who are going to get the response cards. They are going to receive an email saying this person responded, now you follow up, invite them. The women who respond will also be referred to a local church in their area.”

Be Prayerful, Be Active

Palau explains how discipleship is a necessity for the Christian walk. It is also vital for evangelism. CityFest acts as a catalyst to jump-start the opportunities for discipleship. The event isn’t the end game, though.

Please pray for the people who began their relationship with Christ during CityFest West Michigan. Ask God to strengthen and lead West Michigan Christians in personal evangelism and discipleship. Pray local Christians would reach out into their communities and build relationships for discipleship daily

Source: Mission News Network

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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