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One Thing My Parents Did Right: Teaching in the Home

The Lord used my parents to shape me in many ways—but one stands out. I look back and remember my brothers and I gathering around my mom on the couch as she read Little House on the Prairie to us. I remember counting plastic bears at the kitchen table when we were first learning to count. I remember analyzing historical and current events by opening God’s Word and having countless worldview discussions in our living room. I remember sharing laughter and making memories simply by being together.

One of the most influential things my parents did was homeschool me.

Value of Sacrifice

My mom was faced with a difficult decision when I was a toddler. Would she continue her education and go into her dream field of nursing, or would she stay home and homeschool me when I got older?

With much prayer and thought, my mom decided to set aside her career ambitions to pursue homeschooling. She now has a job that’s not widely recognized, has no salary, and is one of the most difficult jobs a person can have. But I’m incredibly thankful for the influence my mom’s sacrifice has had on my life.

Not only did my mom sacrifice her career, but as a family we learned to forgo various wishes so we could live on one paycheck. We didn’t go on many vacations growing up, we renovated several houses so we could have additional income, and my siblings and I learned to be content even when our friends were able to do more than we were.

My parents taught by example that we don’t need material possessions, a dream career, a vacation every year, or an abundance of spending money to lead a joyful life. My parents taught us that the Lord alone satisfies and that sacrificing to follow where he leads is always worth it.

My parents taught us that the Lord alone satisfies and that sacrificing to follow where he leads is always worth it.

Biblical Worldview

There were many times when I was working diligently on one of my school subjects when my mom stopped me. She had an article to read to us children or a current event to discuss. Being someone who loved to check off lists and get my work done so I could move on to playing, I intently watched the clock during these discussions, wondering when I’d be able to resume my work.

But I later came to realize these discussions were a fundamental part of my education. They taught me to compare everything to God’s Word and to see the world through the lens of Scripture. Because I was homeschooled, my mom was able to pour into me for many hours throughout the day, even as she taught me English, math, history, and science.

But teaching me a biblical worldview didn’t end during the school day. In many situations—during dinner discussions; while on a hike; or after watching a movie, reading a book, or listening to a song—my parents were showing us that if we’re believers in Christ, the Bible must be our guide for all of life.

Growth in Relationship

Being homeschooled, I was around my parents and siblings constantly. Yes, we often got on each other’s nerves. But because we were together for the majority of each day, by God’s grace, we’ve become close as a family.

Since my dad has worked in ministry for years, homeschooling gave us the flexibility to minister alongside him. My parents taught us to work with one another, to value ministry, and to serve the Lord and others.

Now, as an adult, my siblings are my best friends. We’ve grown up doing practically everything together, especially since we were each other’s classmates up until we graduated from high school. Whether by completing our chores together, helping one another with homework, or playing pretend in the backyard, homeschooling allowed us to get to know one another on a deeper level.

My siblings are my best friends—homeschooling allowed us to get to know one another on a deeper level.

While homeschooling often gets a bad rap, I’m convinced my parents’ choice has made a drastic difference in my life. Through their example, I learned the value of sacrificing what I might think is good to follow the Lord’s leading to something better. As my parents turned my eyes to Scripture as the lens through which I view the world, I learned to rely on God’s Word as my guide. When I ministered alongside my family and lived life with them, I learned to serve God’s people and formed deep friendships along the way. I’m so grateful to God for my parents.


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