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In our Focal Scripture, God told Isaac that He would perform the oath He swore unto Abraham his father. God had made promises to Abraham, but Isaac was going to be the beneficiary of the fulfillment of those promises. To Abraham it was a promise; but to Isaac, it was going to become a reality. To Abraham, they were promises; to Isaac, they were going to be tangible evidence. Isaac reaped the promises made to his fathers.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will reap from the promises made to your fathers. Every promise of God to your older generation that was unfulfilled, get set, you are about to become the fulfillment of the promises. You will receive answers to prayers that your older generations made. You will reap the rewards that your older generation did not receive. You will witness the performance of the promises of God upon your fathers.

Isaac was not even born when God made promises to Abraham. He wasn’t there when the promises were made, but God showed up with evidence of the promises that were made before he was born. Hear me as I hear the Lord: for every promise that heaven made to your older generations, including those that were made before you were born, you will be a partaker soon. Your eyes will see it; your hands will carry it.

Abraham found favour before God, but it was his son Isaac that was going to enjoy the proceeds of the favour on Abraham. Get set: you will soon witness the evidence of promises for which your fathers did not receive the evidence. You will soon be the beneficiary of prayers that your older generations made. You will soon reap rewards that were meant for your older generations. You will soon receive portions that your fathers missed.

Welcome to your new season where promises of yesterday are about to become reality. Welcome to your new season where you will harvest the fulfillment of promises that were made to your fathers.

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