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When the armies of Israel heard the words of Goliath, they were dismayed and were afraid. They were in a battle, they were in the battle field, but the words of Goliath were enough to terrify them. People who ought to brace up for battle, heard mere words, and were filled with fear. Fear and dismay are negative emotions. So the armies of Israel heard and responded to the words of Goliath in the battlefield, through their emotions.

Friend, the battles of the spirit are spiritual, and nobody fights spiritual battles with emotions. Spiritual battles are not fought and won on the basis of how you feel per time. Spiritual battles are not fought and won with mere tears. Spiritual battles are not won by mere feelings. Spiritual battles are not won on the basis of the rising and falling of emotions. Spiritual battles are not won by the deployment or response of emotions.

There will always be times when your emotions are not in order, but always ensure that your spirit man is on fire. There will be times when you do not feel good, but let your inner man continue to roar regardless. There will be times when you do not feel like rising to the occasion, but even if your mind does not feel like it, let your spirit man be ever ready to arise and deliver. Even when you are afraid, let your spirit man be unshaken.

In the kingdom we belong to, we respond with the spirit. We fight battles spiritually. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual. We crush the enemy, not by how we feel, but by the power of God at work within us. We win our battles by reason of the workings of the Spirit of God within us. We win our battles, not because we do not feel negative emotions, but because we choose to move with the prompting of the Spirit of God.

Emotions are limited, and will always fail when it matters most. Approach your battles with an unshaken spirit, and you will defeat your Goliath.

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