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In our Focal Scripture, the man at the pool of Bethesda told Jesus that each time he tried to get into the pool, some other person stepped in before him. There were multitudes at the pool, waiting for the waters to be stirred; every man had the same agenda of getting healed; and when the multitudes would compete for a chance to get healed, the man in our Focal Scripture missed out. He was too weak to compete with rivals.

Friend, I pray for you: in 2024, may you not be too weak to compete with your rivals. May you not be too disadvantaged to compete for mega opportunities. May you not be too weak to chase after the results you desire. May you not be too weak to rise to your higher levels. May you not be too weak to push into your new season. May you not be too weak to step into the realms that you should be in. May you not be too weak to rise.

The weakness of the man at the pool meant that whereas there were opportunities to be healed, he didn’t get healed; because although he tried, someone else got there before him. Let me also let you know that if you choose to remain weak, you just might miss out of what was originally meant for you. If you choose to remain weak, people who may not necessarily be better than you may hit targets you desire to hit, ahead of you.

In 2024, don’t allow weakness to persist. Don’t be weak in your prayer altar. Don’t be weak in your abilities. Don’t be weak in the market place. Don’t be weak in your commitment to your destiny mandate. Don’t be weak in your focus and dedication. Don’t be weak in your consecration. Don’t be weak in your walk with God. Don’t be weak as you press towards your goals. Don’t be weak as you run your race in 2024.

Don’t be counted amongst them that were too weak to push forward. Arise, awaken in strength, and don’t allow weakness to get the best of you.

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