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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Herod ordered the killing of children who were two years old and below, all in a bid to get at the new born king. Herod created a situation where parents watched their children die. Herod created a situation where one generation watched the next generation perish. Herod created a situation where the older ones watched the younger ones die. Herod created a situation where the old buried the young.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not bury your young. You will not bury your next generation. You will not suffer the misfortune of watching your children die. Your next generation will not perish. Your young ones will not die in their prime. No disaster will swallow your young. No evil will swallow your children. No wickedness of the wicked will cause you to bury the young ones who should bury you in your old age.

By the singular decision of Herod, several parents faced the misfortune of losing their children who were still too young by age. Children who had potentials and potentialities were not allowed to see as much as their third birthdays. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every attack that wants your children to die as children, I return it to the sender. I command every attack against your next generation to backfire on the attacker. You will not cast your young. You will not lose your little ones.

Today, I decree divine preservation for your children. I decree that your next generation will not be swallowed. I decree that the diseases that swallow the young will not swallow your young. I decree that the errors that cause the young to be buried whilst young, will not be found amongst your own children. I decree that the disasters that swallow the young will not swallow your young. You will not lose your next generation.

Your children shall be for signs and wonders. They shall not be for death and disaster. Every voice that says you must bury your young is silenced by fire.

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