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Categories: Gospel News

[NEWS] Covenant University Set for 14th Convocation Ceremony

Tagged ‘The Release of Eagles’, the convocation ceremony will be honouring graduands across all academic programmes. The graduands of Covenant will have the opportunity to be recognised for their achievements in front of the University’s Board of Regents, Management, the Senate, honoured guests, professors, Covenant staff, family members, and the media.

Activities lined up for this year’s ceremony begin on Wednesday, July 17 with a Special Convocation Assembly, a Hooding Event for the School of Postgraduate Studies and a Special Convocation Service.

A Convocation Lecture with the topic, ‘World Ranking Parameters: Matters Arising for African Universities’, will flag off Thursday’s programmes with Professor Peter Okebukola, Chairman, Strategy Advisory Committee, National Universities Commission, as the Convocation Lecturer. An exhibition of innovative products and Hooding Events for Colleges follow in quick succession.

Friday’s convocation ceremony, scheduled to hold between 9am and 12.30 am, will feature a Keynote Address with the topic, ‘The Africa We Want: The Role of Higher Education’, to be delivered by Dr. Monisoye Afolabi, Chairman, Baobab Media and Baobab Think Limited and former Director of Business Environment, United States Agency for International Development Trade Hub, Ghana.

The Keynote Address precedes the award of First and Higher Degrees and Presentation of Special Awards and Prizes.

Covenant University has since inception been releasing new generations of leaders, raised through a qualitative and life-applicable training system that focuses on value and skill development.

The 14th Convocation Ceremony of Covenant University brings down the curtain on a very eventful and fulfilling academic year during which the University, by the special grace of God, emerged the Best University in West Africa, courtesy of her position as the highest ranked institution in the Sub-Region by the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Covenant had since the September 2018 World University Rankings attainment, featured in other categories of rankings such as the African Rankings, Subject Rankings, Emerging Economies Rankings, Impact Rankings, Young University Rankings, and the Millennial Rankings for universities established since 2000.

Courtesy : Covenant university

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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