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The man in our Focal Scripture, was lame and was laid daily at the gate of the temple. Notice that the temple gate was called the Beautiful gate, but the man who was laid there was lame. The location was good, but the man in the location had a negative condition that swallowed his identity. His name was not mentioned, but the lameness he suffered became his identity. The negativity he suffered soon became his advert.

Friend, it is an error for negativity to advertise you. It is an error for whatever you have been through, to swallow your name. It is an error for the enemy to put a negative label on your life. It is an error for affliction to become your new identity. It is an error for men to identify or describe you based on the negative condition you are dealing with. It is an error for any negative condition to take over your name and identity.

At the gate of the temple, which was easily a very strategic location, lameness became the easiest way to identify the man in our Focal Scripture. Today, I pray for you: when you arrive at your ‘Beautiful’ gate, may negativity never describe you. May you never be identified by character flaws. May you never be identified by affliction. May you never be identified by the foolish choices that wrecked your destiny.

Say no to every negative identity the enemy wants to establish in your life. Say no to every identity of lack. Say no to every identity of destiny reduction and stagnation. Say no to every identity of rising and falling. Say no to every identity of foolish choices. Say no to every identity of spiritual emptiness. Say no to every identity of laziness in the market place. Say no to every identity that negates God’s will and plan for your life.

Again, I pray for you: as you arrive at strategic places in destiny, may negativity never become your identity.

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