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many believers are still looking for deliverance from the things they have the power to determine the outcome

The first day in my life that I dreamt and saw myself in my primary school, playing with my mates… Satan told me that that was a sign that I needed deliverance from the spirit of  backwardness … But I shut him up and told him that the dream means that God will soon bless me to the point that I will go and rebuild that St Silas Community Primary School, Old Umuahia…


He told me that those people that hate me are the ones projecting delay to me …

But I told him that my intercessors are the ones praying for God to prosper me …

I told him that I will not pray to cast and bind anything… and I didn’t…

4 days after, in Abuja with my wife, she got a call from Belgium embassy that I have been given visa to Belgium after just 3 months of application …

And since that day, my life had not known any backwardness…

Friends, I refuse that Satan will be the one giving me prayer topic…

Unfortunately, many believers are still looking for deliverance from the things they have the power to determine the outcome…



It is my duty to honour men who are using their talents to promote the kingdom where I belong



The Bible says that Adam was so enthroned that whatever he called those animals became their names …

And inside me is living a more glorious Adam..

Which means, any interpretation I give to anything is what it will become ..

I wish you will function in this mindset, you will render Satan helpless in your life…

I don’t know what they are telling you, but If I see snail in my dream, i will interprete it that God wants me to start enjoying expensive meats ..,

Because where I come from, snails are very expensive… lol …

Your thought life is stronger than your prayer life …

After your prayers, God depends on your thoughts to produce the answers to you …

Many believers are champions in prayer but in their thought life they are hostages…

I didn’t say you should not pray when you have a dream …

But remember that God said that “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he…” …

Jesus did not shed His blood for you to become a slave to dreams ..,

You have the power to determine the outcome of your dream, no matter how scary …

False teachers will not like you to know this so that you wont stop running to them each time Satan wants to dribble you with dreams …

If the church in my time will teach believers how powerful they are, Satan will record no success at all …

With these few points of mine, I am here to tell you that “wherever the Word of a king is, there is power”…

And the Bible said that He has made us Kings and priests …(Revelation 1:6)

When next Satan comes with such dreams, I hope you know what to do now? …

Let us pray?


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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