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In our Focal Scripture, after telling the man at the pool of Bethesda to rise and take up his bed, Jesus told him to walk. To walk is to make movements; to walk is to make progress; to walk is to be on the move. So Jesus commanded that man to move forward. Jesus commanded him to make progress. Jesus commanded that man to leave where he received his healing and move forward. Jesus commanded the man to move.

Friend, in 2024, be intentional in making progress. Start from this first month and make progress. Be intentional to make progress in your walk with God; make progress in the works of your hands; make progress in your goals and targets; move forward from the weaknesses that held you down in time past; move forward from the pains and hurts of the past; move forward towards the doors that God opened for you.

In 2024, move forward in the direction of your purpose. Move forward in the direction of your destiny mandate. Move forward in your plans and projects. Move forward and make those changes you have always wanted to make. Move forward from whatever mistakes you made in time past. Move forward from the old seasons that kept you down. Move forward and make progress that will take you closer to your high places.

The eyes of El Roi should not be turned in your direction and you remain at the same spot. The eyes of El Roi should not look towards you and you decide to remain stagnated or stuck in your comfort zone. The eyes of El Roi does not look upon you so that you can stay back in your current level. The eyes of El Roi being turned in your direction is no excuse to remain in love with your old season. The eyes of El Roi is an impetus to move forward.

Make a commitment to make progress in 2024 and beyond. In all your doings, move forward and make progress. Don’t be found in the same place and level where you were last seen.

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