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Living With Eternity in Focus


We must continually remind ourselves that we are on a journey on this earth and some day, just very soon, Our Lord and king will come to take us home to be with him. This reality sometimes just eludes some believers because they are beclouded with the affairs of this life, entangled with so many legitimate frivolities (legitimate in our eyes at the moment , but frivolities when compared to our eternal destinies), as we go on with our daily affairs in life, it is our duty to remind ourselves of the truth of the soon coming of our lord, it naturally keeps us in check.
I was talking to a wonderful child of God, and she was like she doesn’t see anything wrong in listening to secular music, as long as she is concerned, she is not influenced by their lifestyle, she only listen to the songs for the lyrics, and I thought about that, “good intentions are the highway to hell”, its not just enough to have a good intention, it is safe to stay within the confines of the written word.
My brethren what goes into our hearts and minds is so important, the bible admonishes us to guard our hearts with ALL diligence, because out of it are the issues of life, it is surely more than the lyrics, a believer must clearly define his /her stand, listening to secular music surely is not living with eternity in focus, just like I asked her, do the songs draw you closer to God? Does it motivate you to read your bible to go out to preach to lost souls? Does it motivate you to live right and be disciplined before God? What spirit inspired the song?
These and many more are questions we should continually ask ourselves, we have but a short time, we have to preach this gospel with all that we have, so we don’t really have time to load ourselves with so much weights we don’t need for our journey.
Live with Eternity in view, this will reflect in your decision making, it will reflect in how you think about people and what you say to them, it will reflect in your financial choices, somethings that really matter to the people of the world, wont really matter to you.


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