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Categories: Gospel News

Its time Social Media People REPENT! – Apostle Suleiman

I usually don’t do this, as a matter of fact, I stay way from trends and arguments on social media, but I think it is time to REPENT!!!

I have noticed the church is always the first to be thrown blames at when an individual leaves “the church” and goes secular. It’s even funny that “church people” are at the front line of this assault You know why is funny? You are also part of the body you are throwing stones at. But I have few questions to ask you. Let this question guide your mouth next time you want to talk.

1. Is the person called into the ministry? The call into a ministry is a very honorable office, of which no man takes this honor upon himself. The primary desire of the called is to
Fulfill his/her ministry and bring honor to Him that called such a person. In the light of this, the applaud and the gifts from men should not be the driving force for ministry but the joy the Lord gets from seeing this dream fulfilled on the earth. This is why certain music ministers stayed true to the call, even when no man applauded and gave them anything. I am very sure some of you are familiar with with the story of pastor Nathaniel Bassy.
When coming up in ministry, I have had times when I trekked a very long distance to go preach, with no money to return back home after a very powerful session. Many times I was told; “the Lord bless you sir”, with a bottle of water. I will still trek back home. I am very sure many young ministers have experienced this. One of my friend was giving a walking stick as honorarium, another one was given a very big hamper, only to discover it was filled with bottle water when he got home???. I mean if I start gisting you, I won’t drop the mic today, … Oh, I mean… finish this post?. These men still responded to the call and remained faithful.
2. Is this person under a local assembly? Don’t be quick to take any gifted person serious, if he/she is not submitted to a local assembly. My dear brother Theophilus Sunday said he will never take a ministration on Sunday morning, no matter how much you are willing to give him. You will notice a consistency in this type of commitment in the lives of those that have risen. If a gift can not submit to a pastor or a spiritual leader, then that gift can not lead the body of Christ in worship. Worship is submission to God, which is demonstrated in how you submit to authority.
Look closely at all the music ministry that has brought mighty waves of glory to the body, they are all under local assemblies. Most of these guys that left can not be traced to any local assembly.
3. Do you love Jesus or do you just want to blow? Many are not willing to go through the process of growth, it’s not enough to be gifted, you have to grow in Christ. It takes time, it takes patience.

I am not happy that many people are leaving and going secular, we owe them our prayers and love. The Lord can still reach them, they can still come back home. But please stop blaming the church.


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