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  • Any truth you don’t treasure, you have thrashed. Every truth of scriptures is a treasure of the Kingdom. Any prophecy you don’t treasure never comes to pass in your life. He said, “we have also a more sure word of prophecy which you do well as you take heed…” – 2 Peter 1:19

You take heed, it is a treasure. This is it! You don’t treasure a prophecy; it never comes to pass in your life.
“That is what he said last year. You know I’ve heard that over the time, over the years. I mean, I hear it all the time. I can tell you what he will say next”: There is no value for it, so it never translates to reality. We have been reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: they have not edited it. The impart is growing on daily basis Sir. People are too casual with treasures. They are too casual with treasures.
Kenneth Hagin laid hands on me and he said, “fresh oil Lord, fresh oil.” I value it to death. I have been flowing under fresh oil. I have never seen burn out once. I pray for you now, one minute. Speak the Word of the Lord to you. I have forgotten the next minute. It is not of value.


Nobody’s faith is subject to anybody’s else unbelief – Bishop Oyedepo Speaks


“Fresh oil Lord, fresh oil and keep him ever fresh!”

The prophecy you don’t treasure never sees the light of the day in your life.
Please change your stand. Value the treasure of God’s Word and then it creates a future for you. 2 Peter 1:19 . You take heed to it and then God confirms it into reality. Every prophecy is a treasure hid in the Kingdom field which when a man has found, he went and sold all that he has and bought into it.
Buy into it, it is the only way to see it come to pass. Matthew 13:45-46
Every prophecy is a treasure of the Kingdom and when you fully buy into it with your faith, God is committed to confirming it in your life. Take heed to it.

  • To see prophecies fulfilled, we must engage Faith filled thoughts.

For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he; therefore keep your heart with all diligence, out of it are the issues of life – Proverbs 4:23 . You don’t think so, it never comes to be. You think so, unshakably: it is on its way to happen.
Don’t allow the devil corrupt your mind on what God has said. When faith comes alive, the devil is out of the equation. The devil knows he cannot handle your faith when it is at work. Don’t let no devil come on the line: God said it, I believe it and that settles it. My God said it and I believe it and that settles it.

I know I was redeemed to reign as a King, 1970. I couldn’t behave a slave Sir. No. No race or colour can make me behave otherwise. In those days, royalty was far from our mentality. Christianity was to go through struggles and make Heaven by anything means.  By the way, yesterday, I turned 53 years in the faith. I have never been tempted once to look back. You know what the Lord told me, “you made the choice, I supply the grace.” “You make the choice, I supply the grace.” All this off and on you are doing, you have not made a choice. You make the choice, I supply the grace. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord: Make the choice. I supply the grace.
Joshua 24:15
You haven’t made the choice, that is why the grace is not there. I have never had a rethink on my hard followership.
“I lay before you life and death”: You make a choice. Then I will confirm it
Deuteronomy 30:19. You have to make your choice for God on time, so you don’t miss out of His plan. Make a choice . 53 Years!
I was on the field yesterday and I saw me still saying what I was saying in those days.  I returned with 412 souls yesterday. I ministered in 5 different locations, right there in the market. 53 unshakable years by grace but the grace came upon the choice.  Say, “The Choice.” Somebody’s story is changing.

Se mi nan re Oluwa (Is this me My God?) Who dash monkey banana? Just follow me and I will make you. That is what Jesus said. Don’t mind what they say about you. Leave me to it, I will make you. Follow what I say, don’t look back. Don’t wander away and I will make you.
Matthew 4:19
There are many in this Church who are flowing on that frequency; who are just busy following God and the dictates for their lives and are having the biggest fun of their lives.
May you join that chariot today.
Thank You Jesus.
May you join that chariot today, in the name of Jesus Christ.
May His Word never fall to the ground in your life anymore as you start taking responsibilities right from now in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • Engage in faith driven actions. Show me your faith without your

works and I will show you my faith by my works – James 2:18
What people call faith today is not biblical; it is not I am believing God. No.
Faith is obeying God to prove that you believe Him. You don’t obey Him, you don’t believe Him. He said, “Abraham your father had his faith established by his works.” “Get thee out of thy country”: He went out. “Circumcise the firstborn”: He went ahead. “Bring your only son”: He went ahead.
Any faith that seeks to make God absolutely responsible for the outcome of our lives is an irresponsible faith.
Romans 4:2
He tells you what to do, you say, “I believe.” Do what He says must be done, then you have proved that you believe.  James 2:18 – show me your faith without your works, I will show you my faith by my works.
Faith without works is dead – James 2:26

They that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever; so I am going – Daniel 12:3
What He calls many for you might not be many for me; unto whom much is given, much is required.
Luke 12:48
He may approve 20 as your many. My own might be 30, so I can’t run with your race. But when you hit God’s many, you change level. He keeps changing your life as you keep meeting His requirements.
Faith is not sitting down, waiting for something to happen. Faith is working it out, in line with the demand of that agenda.
Thank You Jesus.
It’s your turn for a change of story.
Faith driven actions.

  • . Remain assured of the end result

Be unshakable. They that believed have entered into rest – Hebrews 4:3
Let your faith bring you into that realm of assurance.
Hebrews 10:35 Be assured of the end result. How many of you have heard me say, “I am not surprised we are where we are”? You may be tired of hearing it, I am not tired of saying it. I saw it coming from His Word.
I was assured of them. I wasn’t chasing after those things. Chasing after God and when you are due for any of those agenda to come to pass, He brings them to pass. Be assured. Don’t say, “well, nobody can tell.” Be able to tell.
I was speaking about my prosperity as a man in the midst of gold as dust. Yet nobody could see it near me, but I could see what they could not see. I saw it from the Word.

I remember saying that funny thing that time, “I am not just going to be rich. I will be the richest”: 1986. Don’t mind me.
I saw that He empowers His people that operates in the covenant for wealth. The wealth that God releases cannot be compared with the one here. This thing works ooo, but until you are assured of it, it is not coming.
The just shall live by faith but if any man draws back, my soul will have no pleasure in him – Hebrews 10:38. “Well God said it. You know, I don’t know.” God said it: It is settled. They that believed have entered into his rest and have ceased from their works – Hebrews 4:3. They believe, they are not struggling to make it happen. They are just assured of it. Settle down in obedience of faith and be assured of the outcome. Be assured of the outcome!!
-It’s your turn.


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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