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He won the argument , we lost the souls

I will not mention the name of the church… But in 2008 after preaching inside a bus, I started singing these two songs and the Spirit of God became so strong inside that bus…

Men and women were broken… The students who were inside the bus were crying like small babies…

In the midst of that breaking, someone at the back interrupted me and said:

“Mr preacher, everything you preached was right, but, you spoilt it when you ended your message with these songs…”

He started asking me why I should be telling the same God I called Saviour to remember me, as if God forgot me before..

How I should not have been telling God that I want to live eternal life when I am already carrying eternal life…

That his pastor has taught them this severally…

That I should go and look for books of E.W Kenyon and Kenneth Hagin and read…

Friends, this was in the midst of ministration…

By the time he was done correcting me, the atmosphere has cleared…

When I asked for who wanted to surrender to Jesus, it was only one person that indicated…

With all I tried to charge up everywhere again, no one else showed interest…

He was right in his correction …

And he won the argument…

But what has the kingdom of God gained now that we lost those souls inside the bus because of his interuption…

Such men are in every church…

They are too many on Facebook…

I run from them because I know that God had sworn never to lay His Hands on many of them

Check the methods of their corrections, you will know that they don’t have any atom of love…

Honestly, that guy is lucky..

Because if it were to be today, I would have paused that ministration and laid hands on him…

And delivered him of that dirty demon called correcting spirit…

They will not preach, but they will correct those that are preaching…

They will not sow seed in church, but they are the ones that know those that sow for people to notice them…

For the past many years, they are not making any posts online, but they are the ones that knows those that are online decieving people…

They will tell you how many people who are using God to get attention …

Without knowing that the more they are busy correcting errors, the more God is bypassing them…

Man of God, warn your followers…

If the anointing they have is only to be correcting those who are doing what they have refused to do for God…

Tell them that we don’t need them…

If the song is not balanced through the eye of new creation realities, but if it will bring people to Christ, please, we don’t need your correction…

Let’s win people to Christ first before we start teaching them about who they are in Christ ..

Yes, we are not perfect…

Yes, our approach, doctrines and operations might be faulty…

But, leave am like that for us…

As we are working for God, He will be working in us…

What is the need braggingng that you have sound teaching yet, no one comes to Christ through you?…

Why will I go to crusade in a rural village and be singing the songs of Trevis Green that they have never heard about before…

When there are other songs they can understand and relate with?…

This december, as we invade differnt places to preach, whether the songs are correct or not…

We will sing them, as long as God will use them to give us the souls of men?…

And if we see you coming to correct us, we will lay hands on you and drive away that spirit of correction…

Let us pray!

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

Published by
Henotace Team

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