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Categories: Gospel News

God is more interested in what is happening in your life now than what happened in the past – Iyke Oriaku

Your pastor said that he has never fornicated since he repented…

But you have fornicated severally since you repented…

His wife said that she got married as a virgin…

But your testimony is not the same with hers…

All the pastors around you have never made any mistake since they answered the call…

But your own story is different…

Pls, be happy for them…

But don’t allow their testimonies stop you from doing what God called you to do …

There is nothing you will do to suprise God…

He saw all those stinking testimonies of your and He still called you…

Please, run back to Him and ask Him what He wants to do with you since your testimony is different…

A young man told me that he wanted to become the next Reinherd Bonke …

And he kept himself throughout the university but left minsitry when he fell into fornication during his final year …

He said he can not work for God again because he has broken the vow he made to God …

Today, to the glory of Satan, he is a Yahoo Yahoo boy who Satan is ‘blessing’, back to back….

How many sisters do we know that have become professional prostitutes because they broke the vows of chastity they made to God the moment they entered campus…

To them, they have become too dirty to stand and defend God anywhere again and daily they are getting enmeshed into dirtiness and filtness…

Sister, please, come back to your calling…

God rides on the wings of our individual testimonies to work with us…

That is why the Bible said that we overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimonies…

In eternity, testimonies are weapons of mass destruction…

In war front, differnt soldiers go to war with different ammunitions but against the same enemies…

If you understand this, you will never wish to have the same testimony of another person…

God is not using anybody because they married as virgins, but because they are still living holy life today …

Because, there are many people that married as virgins who have lost God now…

God is more interested in what is happening in your life now than what happened in the past …

He doesn’t even remember that you broke your vow chastity…

The Bible said that He forgives our sins and remembers them no more…

The vows you broke are not stronger than the Blood of His Holy Child Jesus..

What He is interested is in how you are glorifying your body now which is His temple…

If your life pleases Him now, then, your dirty stories will become a weapon in His Hands…

Don’t covet the testimonies of another preacher, because you can not change the hands of time…

Our individual testimonies are our individual weapons…

The soldier using Pistol is as important as the one using Ak 47…

The one using Grenade is as important as a snipper…

We are all important in this work…

Bring the weapon of your testimony and let me bring my own and let us surrender it to God …

Then to the shame of the devil, what disqualified us before men will become a tool in the Hand of God…

Let us pray!

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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