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Four More Groups Join Alliance For Annual International Day for the Unreached

International Day for the Unreached drive gains further traction with addition of four new organizing partners, bringing years of Great Commission passion and experience to campaign

/Christian Newswire/ — A campaign to concentrate focus on reaching those who have yet to hear the gospel is gaining further momentum with the addition of four more leading missions groups to its organizing partnership-and the accompanying hope the rising wave of support will result in a global flood of new believers.

Photo: A young deaf man in Ghana is baptized after coming to Christ through the ministry of ADOOR International, one of four new members of the Alliance for the Unreached, organizers of the International Day for the Unreached championing a greater missions focus on those with little or no exposure to the gospel.

DOOR International, Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), The Seed Company and TWR (Trans World Radio) bring to 14 the members of the Alliance for the Unreached, which hosts the annual International Day for the Unreached (, to be celebrated for the fourth time on June 9, 2019-Pentecost Sunday.

Between them representing many years of activity, a wide range of groundbreaking missions efforts and a large network of supporters, the alliance members are championing the need for greater emphasis on ministry to the 2 billion people in the world who have heard little or nothing of the good news of Jesus.

By informing people more about the needs of these unreached, the alliance hopes to spur greater support for and involvement in new missions endeavors that will help fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to “go into all the world.”

“The International Day for the Unreached continues to gain more traction every year,” said Alliance Chairman Jon Fugler. “The four new members we welcome are doing distinct work to bring the gospel to the unreached, and their distinctives round out our team.

“It’s fantastic to see the commitment of quality missions agencies like this as we come together to mobilize believers,” he added. “I’m thrilled we have such great organizations working together to raise the flag for unreached people groups in some of the hardest places in the world.”

DOOR International ( focuses on the world’s 70 million deaf–only two percent of whom are Christians, and who comprise 20 percent of the remaining unreached, unengaged people groups-through sign language Bible translation and deaf-led evangelism and church planting programs.

“We are honored and grateful to join the ranks of other alliance organizations and highlight this critical area of the Great Commission,” said Door International President and CEO Rob Myers. “The Alliance for the Unreached is helping bring awareness to the great need for the gospel still remaining worldwide today. Together we can ensure everyone has access to the precious, life-giving message in their heart language.”

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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