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In our Focal Scripture, as Peter followed the Angel of the Lord, he moved past the first and second ward, and eventually came to the iron gate that led to the city, which opened on its own accord. Peter followed the Angel of the Lord, and he moved away from the place where he was tied to the soldiers with chains. He followed the Angel of the Lord, and gates opened on their own. Gates opened to Peter because of who he followed.

Friend, who you follow in destiny will determine whether doors and gates will remain closed or open to you. Who you follow in destiny will determine if you will need to open doors by yourself or doors will open for you on their own accord. There are relationships you keep that will keep your doors and gates open; and there are yet relationships and connections that will close even the doors and gates that were once open to you.

Just by following the right person, Peter had doors and gates open to him. There could have been other prisoners who remained in prison, because they did not follow the Angel whom Peter followed. Be intentional about who you align with in destiny, because it just might make the difference between you and those who will not make movements and make progress. Be intentional to follow those whose movements will help you to move.

Who are you following at the moment? Which word of the Lord are you following at the moment? Which divine instruction are you following? Which divine mandate are you following? Which strategic man in destiny are you following? Which relationships are you following? Who have you attached yourself to? Whatever and whomsoever you are following, will your doors and gates open or close as you follow them?

What opened to Peter was an iron gate, and it opened because of whom Peter followed. Follow rightly, and your iron gates will open on their own accord.

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