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MESSAGE TITLE: Unveiling the Breakthrough Power of Love (Pt. 1A)
TEXT: 1 Cor 2:9
MINISTERING: Bishop David Oyedepo

God’s ways are superior to any other platform under heaven. – Isa. 55:8. Lovers of God are ordained as record-breakers, pace-setters, and trailblazers. Lovers of God are ordained as record-breakers, pace-setters, and trailblazers. Lovers of God are ordained as record-breakers, pace-setters, and trailblazers. Genuine love for God transforms an ordinary person to command dominion.

The gospel is simple, but it is always a command. When the love of God is at work in you, great things begin to happen on their own accord. – Rom. 8:28. When you are truly grafted to the Vine, you begin to manifest the exploits of Christ without struggle. – Rom. 11:17. Serving God and the interest of His kingdom is a vital proof of your love for God. – 1 John 3:18, 2 Cor. 8:8.

There is what to do to prove the sincerity of your love of God. – John 21:15-16

There is a praying aspect of that job.

There is a bringing aspect of the job.

There is a caring aspect of that job.

God’s love is not theoretical, it has proofs. If you love Him, it will show. Faith requires love to deliver. It will never work beyond the level of your love for God. Love is proven by your commitment to keep God’s commandments. You are chosen and ordained to be a fruit-bearing believer.

What is Love?

It is a God-first lifestyle. – 1 Cor. 13:3, 1 John 5:3

It is a high level of delight in keeping God’s commandments. – 1 John 5:3

It is serving God’s interest. – John 15:16.

It is not enough to be in love with God, you need to stay in love with Him.

What is in Love that Engenders Supernatural Breakthroughs?

Every true lover of God, dwells in love. – Ps. 24:7.

Every true lover of God is sold out to Him in service. – 2 Chr. 16:9.

Encounter with Destiny Ministration

You are a child of destiny; you are not permitted to be destitute. – Eph 1:11.

You need a sense of destiny to realise God’s agenda for your life.

You are called to be justified, not to be shamed.

By revelation, you are changed from glory to glory. – 2 Cor. 3:18

It is not enough to know the light, you must walk in the light because every light has a lifespan. – John 12:36

New chapters will never open until you embrace the light of the Word that opens them -Isa. 60:1

Light empowers you to get on a flight. – Isa. 60:8

The Revelation of Your Destiny in Christ

You have a royal destiny in Christ. – Rom. 8:29

You have an enviable destiny in Christ. – Gen. 26:12, Gal. 4:28

You have a prosperous destiny in Christ.

You have a royal destiny in Christ. Rev. 5:9-10. 1 Pet. 2:9

To access your glorious destiny in Christ:

Be born again. – Mark 4:11

Walk in the fear of God. – Ps. 25:14, Isa. 54:17

Stay in love with God. – Gen. 18:17-18, James 2:23, John 15:15

Every true lover of God enjoys the confidence of the One He loves. Access to all things from above puts you above all things on the earth.

The post ENCOUNTER WITH DESTINY SERVICE first appeared on Welcome To Winners’ Chapel ICT Group.

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