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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the prodigal son had spent all and began to be in want. He went to a far country with loads of goods that he could spend, but he was caught in a cycle where he was spending but not earning. He was losing but was not gaining. He was reducing but there was no system of increase in operation in his life. He was investing but there was not profit. There was a depletion of what he had, with no replacement.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every cycle of losing without gaining, I decree, it will not prevail over you. Every cycle of efforts without results, I decree, it will not stand. Every cycle of reduction that does not allow for a system of increase, I decree, it will not prevail over you. Every cycle of spending without earning, I decree, it will not stand. Every cycle of investing without profit, I decree, you will not be their candidate.

It was not long for the prodigal son to end up in want, because all he had was a system of spending without earning. He was soon in want, because he was losing but not gaining. I pray for you: it will never be said that you were losing without gaining. It will never be said that you made efforts but ended without results. It will never be said that you spent your resources without having a fresh inflow to replenish your storehouse.

I pray for you: may heaven cause you to operate a system that births results as soon as you make efforts. May heaven cause you to have an overflow from your investments. May heaven cause you to reap as you sow. May heaven cause you to increase as you spend. May heaven cause you to possess more as you move from day to day. May the increase that comes from above be your portion. May heaven cause you to spend and earn.

Welcome to that season where you will not operate a system of losing without gaining. Welcome to that season where you will not suffer reduction without increase.

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