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Doing Good (2)

Doing good is important for us, because we are the personification of Jesus in the world. So we have to go about doing good, just like Jesus did.

As Christians, we need to be sure of our identity in Christ. Also, we need to be clear about our gifts and talents, because we are anointed by Christ

Luke 4:17-21 (NLT). If we know that we are anointed, we will go about doing good and solving problems for other people, because the purpose of the anointing is to solve problems.

Acts 1:8 (NLT). The starting point is to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, who gives us power. When you receive the Holy Spirit, He activates in you spiritual talents, supernatural empowerments to solve peculiar problems. 

We need to be aware and conscious of our talents.

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 (NLT) We call these talents gifts, because we get them independently of our strength. The gifts make us value adding people. You cannot carry those gifts and become part of the problem or become a liability. 

There is no one without a gift. Everyone on this earth is a genius in one way or another. The challenge is that most people prefer to be spectators, and not manifest their own gift. 

Romans 12:6-11 (NLT) Giving is a gift. Mercy is a gift. Leadership is a gift. Teaching is a gift.  A gift helps you to get unusual results. 

Be conscious, confident, and courageous with your gift. But you are not going to do anyone any good, until you start serving with your gift.

Acts 3:6 (NLT). Peter told the lame that he had no money, but  he had the gift of healing to help him. We all have something as a gift within us to use to help other people. 

It will not matter how powerful your gift is, if you sit down mourning what you do not have.

Don’t join others to talk about the problems. Rise up and use your gift to help others, no matter how small. 


An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Sam Adeyemi on Sunday, August 11, 2024

Watch this sermon here

The post Doing Good (2) appeared first on Daystar Christian Centre.

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