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Categories: Gospel News

Do you know that genuine beauty cannot be bought? -Kemi Oyedepo


Happy Monday beloved friends,

Praying for a blessed and productive week ahead.

Do you know that genuine beauty cannot be bought? I mean real beauty. No wonder we’re told that the price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies (Prov. 31:10). Her beauty is in the hidden man of the heart, that is what scriptures call the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

What is the state of your inner man? Whether you’re male or female. Eyes may not be able to see that beauty but eyes can see the fruits or the effects of that beauty. Don’t take pride in being feisty, troublesome, quarrelsome, harsh, proud, easily provoked, rebellious, etc. These all come from within and give a clear picture of the state of your heart. If this is your usual expression, be conscious about being more gentle, radiating the fragrance of a sweet spirit.

Or is your beauty based on how you look, your makeup? The clothes you wear? Material possessions, etc. If that’s your story, it’s time to renew your mind. Such things may enhance your life and beauty (although in many cases, less is actually best… but that’s not the point today) however it should never be where your security and confidence lies.

The point today is don’t just be beautiful to look at; be even more beautiful to live or relate with. Your inner man becomes beautiful when you are truly in Christ, allowing His nature to be formed in you. In Christ, there is so much treasure loaded in your earthen vessel waiting to be expressed. In Christ, you are equipped with the ability of God to be meek and quiet.

In your day to day living, be more conscious about this, and give room for the beauty which God has loaded in you to find expression. This beauty makes you so attractive from within your home to wherever else you are found. In fact with such a spirit, even God will enjoy relating with you. Wishing you God’s best! #kemioyedepo #light #wisdom


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