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TEXT: JOHN 9:13-38.

It is advisable that you meditatively read the text first

KEY VERSE “He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or not, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see” (JOHN 9:25).

An infidel lecturer in a mining town in the north of England gave an address in which he thought he had demolished all the arguments for the Bible, Christ and Christianity. He concluded by saying: “Now I hope I have succeeded in explaining to you that the existence of Jesus Christ is a myth.” As he finished speaking, a miner, who had entered in his grimy clothes, stood up and said, “Sir, I’m only a working man, and I don’t know what you mean by the word ‘myth.’ But can you explain me? Three years ago I had a miserable home; and neglected my wife and children; I cursed and swore; I drank up all my wages. Then someone came along and showed me the love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. And now all is different. We have a happy home; I love my wife and children; I feel better in every way; and I have given up the drink. A new power has taken possession of me since Christ came into my life. Sir, and his face was all aglow, can you explain me?” The lecturer had no explanation.

The blind man in our text was not an intellectual nor was he a religious scholar, but his narration of the change that had taken place in his life far outweighed all the efforts of the religious Pharisees to trivialise and condemn the miracle power of Jesus Christ. The Pharisees kept interrogating the man on whom a convincing miracle had been performed. Nothing of this sort can be found in the entire Old Testament relating to the restoration of sight to the blind. This is a clear evidence that Christ was the Messiah. Yet, the religious fanatics kept their unnecessary investigation going in hopes of finding some loopholes. And when it became impossible to disprove this great miracle, they eventually expelled him from their synagogue.

The miraculous healing of the blind man was undeniable no matter how much the religious Pharisees tried to deny it. Convincing testimonies like this provide the strongest evidence to prove the authenticity of Christ and the Christian faith. It validates the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter and confirs hope of a blissful eternity on all who believe.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Jesus is the answer to all of life’s questions.



Have you experienced the miracle of salvation?

1. The prejudiced religionists
a. “This man (Jesus) is not of God” v16.
b. A man that did miracle on Sabbath is a sinner and therefore the miracle must be fake v16.
c. Well, at times God can use a sinner to perform a great miracle not known in history v24.
d. Where Jesus came from was unknown v29.
e. True religious leaders are custodian of knowledge and have nothing to learn from ordinary members v34.
Q How correct are those preconceived notions of the religious leaders?
Preconceived opinions based on mere sentiments usually shut out the eyes from true light and divinely given experiences. This is why many people, including religionists, end up in hell.
Q Check up if you have preconceived notions of Jesus, salvation or doctrines of God that are based on sentiments and not on searching the truth with an open mind.
2. The potent revelation
a. Man was made from soil and Jesus did same for the eyes demonstrating creating power of Jesus vv14,15.
b. Ordinary man cannot do that. At least He must be a prophet v17. He did what no man ever did.
c. This kind of miracle of sight to someone born blind was unprecedented. Jesus must be greater than all the known prophets in history v32.
Prejudice did not allow them to reflect on these facts that should make them to change their views about Christ.
3. The power of righteousness
While the parents were afraid of confessing Christ publicly (they loved the praise of men rather than the praise of God Matthew 10:32,33), the man was vocal in confessing Christ even though he had the option of keeping mute and avoid controversy for the name of Christ vv19-22, 25-34.
a. Jesus knew that receiving healing miracle and confession of Jesus is not enough for salvation. More so the man needed support to stand firm in the midst of opposition. Jesus was not content with the miracle, He searched for the man v35.
Q What can you learn on follow up from Jesus action?
b. In order to receive the greatest miracle of salvation, you must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and accept Him as Lord and Saviour vv35-38.
Q What is the evidence to show that the man now has a revelation that Jesus is more than a prophet? He worshipped Him as Lord and Saviour. Without this, no salvation for any.
Lord, help me to have an open mind that will not miss any truth of your work. Deliver me from prejudiced mindset
Lord, I ask that you will be revealing Yourself and Your word to me more and more
Pray for those you know that are merely religious that they will come to the knowledge of the truth of Christ and be saved
Pray that God will use this epidemic to turn sinners to God and deepen the christian lives of believers

Emphasis Salvation is a definite experience of miraculous instantaneous deliverance from sin and not just mere practice of religion or receiving healings or other miracles.

HYMN Heaven came down

  1. O what a wonderful wonderful day
    Day I will never forget
    After I’d wandered in darkness away
    Jesus my Savior I met
    O what a tender compassionate friend
    He met the need of my heart
    Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling
    He made all the darkness depart
    Heaven came down and glory filled my soul
    When at the cross the Savior made me whole
    My sins were washed away
    And my night was turned to day
    Heaven came down and glory filled my soul
  2. Born of the Spirit with life from above
    Into God’s fam’ly divine
    Justified fully through Calvary’s love
    O what a standing is mine
    And the transaction so quickly was made
    When as a sinner I came
    Took of the offer of grace
    He did proffer He saved me
    O praise His dear name
  3. Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure
    After the passing of time
    I have a future in heaven for sure
    There in those mansions sublime
    And it’s because of that wonderful day
    When at the cross I believed
    Riches eternal and blessings supernal
    From His precious hand I received.
Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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