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Disobedience won’t add no value to anybody. It is doing what I ask you to do in faith that adds value to your life and my life – Habakkuk 2:4. God’s side is settled, only your side and my side remains. Asking God what His Word forbids Him to do is tempting God and “thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God” – Matthew 4:7.

If they will serve Him, I am committed to protecting them. Every provision in the Kingdom, to which we belong, the Kingdom of Christ demands obedience to access. You won’t repent, you can’t be saved. You won’t pray, there won’t be answers: no answers. You don’t believe what you pray, forget it. Everything!


If you check all the humbling testimonies of the Lord, it is rooted in ‘God said this, I believed it, I did it and God confirmed it’. God said it, I received and believed it, went ahead to prove that I do by doing it and then God stepped in to confirm it





That has been the exhortation line for the week at the Covenant Hour of Prayer. Serving God is absolutely for our benefit. We will look at 2 of those benefits this morning, very briefly.

  1. Serving God secures our protection in this wicked world.

1 John 5:19, Psalm 91:3-5 – There are arrows flying by day and pestilence at noon day, all over the places. They are all there, we live in a very wicked world.

Psalm 74:20 – There is a covenant that shields you against the wickedness of the darkness of this world. That is what you must do to be shielded from the arrows that fly by the day, the terror that goes about by night – Psalm 91:5. There is what you and I must do to be shielded from them.


Job 1:8-10

Everyone serving God enjoys a defense around him. There is always an invisible wall around everyone serving God against all harm, against all hurt. Job didn’t know that so he was living in fear. You better know that today, that serving God entitles you and I to His security: He builds an hedge around us, around our house, around others we have on every side.

“Have thou considered my servant”: That was what qualified him for that. You keep increasing, the wickedness of the wicked notwithstanding, in the end they can’t touch you. There is a guaranteed hedge around those who are serving God.

Isaiah 5:1-5


As long as we remain fruit bearing branches, there is a guaranteed hedge around us. When we are bearing fruits, we are entitled to His hedge around us. It is impregnable, it is impenetrable, the enemy cannot access us while that is around our lives. Understand that God defends His servants – Psalm 105:15. The whole Israel went through without being devoured by wild beasts, there was a protection by day with the pillar of cloud and then protection by night with the pillar of fire.


You know why He did that? “Let my son go that he may serve Me” – Exodus 4:22-23

His heart is after Me, I am committed to protecting him, that is what happens.

In Luke chapter 10, we saw a very clean picture of this. He sent the 70 and returned with joy, saying, “even devils were subject to us in your name” – Luke 10:17


And He said, “everyone on the go for Me is empowered to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt them” – Luke 10:19


Acts 28:1-6

We saw that demonstrated in the life of Paul, the servant of Jesus Christ.

“Felt no harm”: Serving God secures our protection.


He protects you, He defends you. The wicked shall see you rise and begin to grieve and gnash with their teeth but their desire shall perish, because they can’t reach you – Psalm 112;10.

That is how much protection is loaded in serving God.

  1. Serving God guarantees our supernatural change of level.

Let’s just use one scripture for that. Daniel, servant of the living God, got lifted after he felt no harm in the den of lions.


The 3 Hebrew boys, servants of the Most High God, they were appointed over provinces after they felt no hurt – Daniel 3:18, 28-30


Serving God changes the stories of men.

Luke 19:13

One pound, 10 cities: supernatural change of level.


You heard that testimony, 1000 per cent above his former pay at the age of 34 and then a shareholder in an international company (documented testimony). Amazing change of level, it is still happening today.

-Many will be stepping out of a prison as it were into their God ordained palace.

Just keep at it. When his word came, the king sent for him and loosed him – Psalm 105:19-20


Psalm 105:21 – Just keep engaging with the Word, when the time comes, your supernatural change of level shows up. That is the way it works.


You can imagine your Church jumped up by 5,000 newly planted Churches in one year: too much!! Never heard of, never seen in this Commission.


And then “Ahhh God, what is this?”

He said: I have not done anything yet. Okay, go for 10,000 more this year. And He did it because He said it.  Supernatural change of level. We are grappling on how to manage these things effectively and offer effective oversight on all of the locations.


Supernatural change of level: He moved us from 3,000 seat capacity Sanctuary to 50,000. No, that is not normal. You should go from 3 (thousand) to 5 (thousand) and by the help of God, you go from 5 (thousand) to 10 (thousand) and if you still connect to the help of God, you move to 15 (thousand), without diminishing return. But He said, “No, No. Jump”

Then we said, “what is this?”

He said: That is not enough. Jump to 100,000


Supernatural change of level, when you are tirelessly in pursuit of God’s interest. It doesn’t happen by chance. Tireless pursuit, delightsome pursuit, smiling pursuit, willful pursuit of God’s Kingdom, He keeps changing our levels supernaturally from one state to another.

All you are looking for from Sokoto, is in the pocket of your ‘sokoto’.


All the treasures you are hunting for around the world is in the pocket of your trousers. That is where it is. The reason why people are running around the world today is supernatural change of level and they find that the level in some places do not exist again. That is even the level where they were before they started pursuing after levels has gone off. A bank manager in Nigeria becoming a security man, not professional, that is ‘Maiguard’, when you are not trained for security and you are doing it, you are ‘Maiguard’: you are to open the door when people are coming and find out what is their name and what they are looking for.

This thing is in the pocket of your trouser, pull it out and engage with it.


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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