Christian Couple Beaten For Not Participating In Community Rituals

Standing Strong in India

Preeti and her husband were tied up with ropes and brutally beaten by neighbors in their community for one simple reason:

They refused to reject their Christian faith and participate in a local ritual.

When Preeti and her husband told the people in their village that they didn’t want to participate in the ritual because they had left their old gods and found Jesus—it stirred up anger within the community.

The couple reports that a group of 30 to 40 men from the village gathered and chased Preeti and her husband with spears, sticks and swords. At one point, they tried to rape Preeti—partially tearing her clothes—before she escaped.

God provides an escape

Preeti and her husband were separated and she ran to find shelter in another house in the village. The family was not a Christian household, but they helped hide Preeti for some time. Later, due to a thunderstorm and rain, the mob eventually dispersed and gave up the search. When they were gone, Preeti took the opportunity to flee to her pastor’s house in another village.

“Somehow God saved me that day,” Preeti shares with an Open Doors partner. Later, Preeti’s husband also made it safely to the pastor’s house, but he sustained many injuries and is still recovering.

“Though I am still fearful to return to my village, I am comforted by God,” Preeti shares.
Continue to pray for believers in India

Both Preeti and her husband were able to attend an Open Doors training event on persecution preparation called Standing Strong Through the Storm. Please continue to pray for the couple—and the countless believers in India they represent. Ask God to give the church in India strength and courage in the midst of rising persecution.

Source: Open Door USA

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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