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Chapter 19
How The Power Flows
The woman who had an issue of blood powerfully illustrates these truths
about how the kingdom of God operates by law.
A certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, and had
suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, when she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of
him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? And
his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and
sayest thou, Who touched me? And he looked round about to see her that
had done this thing. But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what
was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in
peace, and be whole of thy plague.
MARK 5:25-34

Jesus was in the midst of a multitude of people who were thronging Him.
That means they were crowding in close, constantly bumping into and touching
Him. Many people were reaching out, touching Him, and trying to receive their
healing. Yet, this little woman with the issue of blood came, touched the hem of
His garment, and instantly the power of God flowed right through Jesus’ body,
through His garment, and into this woman. Immediately, she was healed of an infirmity that had plagued her for twelve long years. As soon as this happened, Jesus turned around and asked, “Who touched Me?”

Some people believe this religious concept that Jesus knew all things.
Therefore, they consider this question to be purely rhetorical, saying, “Jesus
didn’t really mean it. He already knew everything that had to go on.” I don’t think that’s not accurate at all. The Word says that…
Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
LUKE 2:52
Jesus was fully God, but He was also fully man. Because He was in the flesh — a physical, human body—He had to learn things the same way that you and I do. The Word here says that He increased in wisdom and knowledge.

In His spirit, Jesus was Lord at His birth. That’s what the angels said when
they made their announcement to the shepherds.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is
Christ the Lord.
LUKE 2:11
Even though in His spirit realm He was God, Jesus didn’t come out of the
womb speaking Hebrew. He had to learn to eat, walk, and talk. He had to learn
who He was. Because Jesus was in a physical body, He had to deal with
limitations— not limitations from sin, but limitations due to the fact that God
didn’t make our physical part able to perceive things that we haven’t yet learned through our senses. So when Jesus was walking through this crowd and this woman touched Him, He perceived the power of God flowing out of Him, but He didn’t know who had touched Him.
Most people think that when you approach God for healing (or anything else) that He evaluates you to see if you’re worthy. They think that once you make your petition, God measures how worthy you are—whether you’ve been good enough, moral enough, paid your tithes, fasted long enough, have enough other people praying for you, and if your situation is desperate enough. Then, based on His personal evaluation, He either releases His power and you get healed, or He retains His power and says, “Nope, you haven’t prayed enough, you aren’t holy enough, you haven’t fasted enough, and/or you have this sin in your life and until you deal with it I won’t heal you.” People tend to view God this way, that He’s up there in heaven evaluating us and then, depending on His evaluation, He either releases His power or not. These verses in Mark 5 completely kill this misconception. Jesus didn’t know who this woman was. He didn’t see her coming. She touched the hem of His garment. He perceived the outflow of power, but then asked, “Who touched Me?” Jesus honestly didn’t know who had touched Him. Therefore, He didn’t evaluate her to see if she was worthy or not. This shows that the power of God flows under law.
When you tap into these spiritual laws, the power of God just flows. The
Lord doesn’t size up one person, saying, “You’re worthy. I’m going to release My
power to you,” and then looks over another, saying, “No, you aren’t worthy.” It’s not like that at all. There are just laws that govern how the power of God works. When you cooperate with those laws and put them into effect, the power flows. If you don’t, the power doesn’t flow. It’s nothing about God loving one person more than another. It’s just a matter of law. God established His kingdom to operate under spiritual laws. As believers, we need to find out what those laws are and cooperate with them. Electricity operates under law. If you’re grounded and you grab a live wire, it’ll kill you. It’s not that the electric company looked at you and said, “Let’s teach them a lesson.” No, there are just natural laws. You put those laws into effect, and so the power flowed.

On the other hand, a bird can land on a high wire and not be electrocuted
because they aren’t grounded. It’s not because the electric company loves birds
more than they love people. There are just laws that govern how this power
flows. Electricity has been around since God created the earth. It’s always been here in the form of thunderstorms and static electricity. People could have used
electricity thousands of years ago if they would have understood the laws that
governed it. God didn’t just “create” electricity a few hundred years ago, and
“allowed” people to start using it. No, electricity always was available to be
harnessed for our use. Our ignorance of those laws kept us from being benefited
by it.
It’s the same in the spiritual realm. It wasn’t God who let healing, the gifts of
the Holy Spirit, and other supernatural aspects of our faith just “pass away” for
more than a thousand years. That’s not what happened. God didn’t shut off the
power. People entered the Dark Ages because they didn’t retain the knowledge
of the things of God.
The early New Testament church operated strongly in the power of God.
Then years later and for whatever reason, the church at large came to this place of believing that God’s miracles and supernatural power passed away with the apostles. Then, in the early 1900s, the power of the Holy Spirit began to manifest again in places like Azusa Street. There was an influx of healings,
deliverance, speaking in tongues, and miracles that have continued to snowball
worldwide up until this present day.
It wasn’t God who turned the power off after the first 200 years of Christianity and then turned it back on again 1,700 years later. It’s not that He operates in cycles, and now we’re in a “wave” or a “move” of God. That’s not how it works any more than it was God who kept people from using electricity,
airplanes, and cars a thousand years ago. All the laws were here, but people’s
ignorance kept them from taking advantage of these laws. Due to their
ignorance, people died of heat when they could have had air conditioning if they
had known what the laws were. People were hindered from moving over long distances in a short period of time. They had to walk, or ride a camel, donkey, or horse. It wasn’t God that kept them in ignorance. They just didn’t know these things.

It’s not God who isn’t healing or blessing you. It’s not the Lord who has
“willed” that you suffer. God has created laws, but you need to discover what
they are. As you learn how to cooperate with and enforce these laws, you’ll see
God’s provision for you manifest.
You might be thinking, I disagree. That puts all the responsibility on me.
You’re saying that it’s up to me to take hold of what God has provided. Yes,
that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s not God who hasn’t healed, prospered, or
delivered you. It’s our own ignorance that keeps us in these bondages. God has
already done His part. The Word clearly reveals that the Lord has already healed
us, but we have yet to take advantage of it. (1 Pet. 2:24.)
Let’s go back to Mark 5 and continue looking at this woman who touched the
hem of Jesus’ garment. Verse 31 says that there was a multitude of people
thronging Him. This could have been as many as three or four hundred people
trying to follow Jesus through these city streets. However many it was, there
were a lot of people pressing Him. They didn’t just want to be near Him, they
wanted to draw near because there had been power and virtue flowing out of
Him and healing people. A multitude of people were there, of which many
needed to be healed and delivered. Yet, only one person out of the many
received healing.
This wasn’t the only time this happened. The same thing happened in John 5
at the pool of Bethesda. There was a multitude of impotent folk, yet one person received healing. Why is it that one person gets healed when there are many who need it?
Maybe you haven’t received your healing. You know of other people who
have. Why haven’t you been healed? One reason could be that you don’t
understand that God has already done His part. You aren’t taking your authority
and enforcing spiritual laws. You’re ignorant of what God has already said and done, so you’re passively going to Him asking, “God, will You please heal me, if it be Your will? Lord, will You set me free and move in my life?” You can say that many different ways, but the Bible calls it “unbelief.” If you are asking God to do those things, then you aren’t believing the record.
When God said, “By whose stripes ye were healed” (1 Pet. 2:24), He put
your healing into the past tense as an already accomplished reality. He’s already done it. Therefore, you ought to believe the Word and say, “I know it’s already done. He put the same power on the inside of me that raised Jesus from the dead.

(Eph. 1:18-20.) I take my authority and now I speak to my problem and
command these things to happen.” But instead of taking your authority, you’re
just going passively to God and saying, “God, will You please heal me, if it be
Your will?” That’s unbelief, and if that’s what you are doing, it’s the reason you
aren’t receiving. You’re ignorant of God’s spiritual laws.
This woman with the issue of blood said: If I may touch but his clothes, I
shall be whole.
MARK 5:28
Although there are many different spiritual laws, one of them that governs
whether you receive from God or not is the power of your words.
A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the
increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the
tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
PROVERBS 18:20,21
Although many different scriptures reveal the importance of our words (see
Matt. 12:34-37; James 3; Mark 11), this verse clearly reveals that both death and
life are in the power of the tongue.
When we’re trying to receive a healing from the Lord, many of us ignore this
law and say, “I’ve heard people talk about this name it and claim it, blab it and grab it group who tell people they can have what they say. They say you’re
supposed to say you’re healed when you don’t feel healed. Well, I just don’t
believe in that stuff.” So when somebody asks, “How are you?” the person they
ask says, “Well, I’m dying. I only have a week to live. The doctor told me it’s
terrible. I feel so bad.” This individual is releasing death with their mouth
through their negative speech. Yet, they’ll go to the Lord in “prayer” and say,
“Oh, God. Heal me, if it be Your will.” Then when they don’t see a physical
healing manifest, they get upset with God as if He failed. There are laws that
govern how to receive healing. One of them is you will have what you say.
(Mark 11:23.)
You can’t speak death out of your mouth and expect to receive life. It doesn’t
work that way. You might say, “I just don’t believe that.” Fine. That’s just like a
person saying, “I just don’t believe that copper is a better conductor of electricity
than wood. I’m going to wire my house with wood, not copper.” When they plug
the electricity into the connection of wood, I guarantee the power isn’t going to flow. It won’t run your lights, appliances, or air conditioning. You may not like this, but it’s how God established these laws.
Faith flows through words. Words release either death or life, but your ignorance of this law doesn’t mean that the law is going to change. You can declare, “I can say whatever I want to and it doesn’t make any difference.” That’s not true. It’s not how the spiritual laws of the kingdom operate any more than wood is a better conductor of electricity than copper. It’s not up to you to make the laws. You just need to discover what they are and then enforce them. God’s Word says that faith speaks. (Rom. 10:6.)

This woman in Mark 5 started putting some of the spiritual laws of God into
effect when she said, “If I may but touch the hem of His garment, I shall be
made whole.” When she did, the power of God began to flow. Jesus didn’t size
her up and evaluate her worthiness. God’s power flows when we cooperate with the spiritual laws of His kingdom. Electricity isn’t personal when it kills
someone. There are just laws at work governing the flow of power. Either you
can cooperate and use electricity to your advantage, or those same laws will kill
It’s the same way in the kingdom of God. There are many people who pray
for healing because they don’t understand the spiritual laws that govern it. When they don’t see healing manifest, they get mad at God saying, “Lord, if You wanted to, You could have healed this person.” No, God has set up the kingdom to operate under laws, and He can’t just violate them.
The Lord doesn’t want people to die from gravity—falling off bridges,
buildings, or cliffs. That’s not God’s will. However, a Colorado Springs man was
climbing on some rocks on a mountain nearby and he fell about three hundred
feet. He was one of our soldiers who survived Iraq, but he didn’t survive this fall. It wasn’t God’s will for this man to die, but what’s the Lord going to do? Will He stop the law of gravity to save this man’s life? Although God is the One who
created the laws that govern this physical world, if He were to suspend gravity because He didn’t want this guy to die, there would have been multitudes of other people depending on the law of gravity who would have died.
God created these laws, and He doesn’t just suspend them. If you don’t
cooperate with the law of gravity, you could get killed. If you jump off a ten-
story building, gravity will kill you. God intended gravity to be to your
advantage and to help you function here on this earth. If you’re sitting in a chair
right now, you don’t have to force yourself to stay down. Gravity is working. The same law that w help you if you cooperate with it, will also kill you if you violate It’s the same way in the spiritual realm.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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