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In our Focal Scripture, the Angel of the Lord declared to Hagar that she is with child, and shall bear a son. The Angel of the Lord declared that Hagar already had conceived and had a seed growing within her, and that her seed shall come forth. Hagar was not only carrying something within her; what she carried was going to come forth. There was a birthing about to emerge from Hagar; she was going to carry her harvest.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, you will not only conceive, but you will also move from conception to harvest. You will not only be a carrier of potentials, but your results shall come forth. God will cause the greatness you have within you to be birthed. God will cause the potentials in you to bring forth new realities and results. God will cause your little seed to yield results that eyes can see all through 2024.

By the proclamation of the Angel of the Lord, Hagar was going to carry her pregnancy to full term, and bring forth her son. Her journey was not going to stop on the way. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, your journey will not stop on the way. Your budding results will not be terminated. You will not lose your reward. You will not lose your harvest. You will not lose anything that the Lord has already begun in you. You will not be empty handed at the time of your harvest.

I pray for you: in 2024, no power of hell will truncate your seed. No power of darkness will swallow your results. No power of hell or of man will rob you of the harvest that heaven already designed for you. You are moving from mere seed to heavy harvest. Those that saw you empty handed in the past year will see that God has caused your hands to be full in 2024. Those that pushed you out will watch you deliver uncommon results.

Welcome to that season where you are moving from seed to harvest. Welcome to that season where your harvest will never be aborted.

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