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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Sarah conceived and bore a son for Abraham in his old age. Sarah did not only conceive; she was alive to see the result of her pregnancy. She completed the journey of her pregnancy and carried her baby with her own hands. the journey to her miracle was completed and she carried the evidence of the miracle. Sarah took in, and at some point, she also brought forth her evidence.

Friend, I pray for you: in this season, carry your evidence. Carry the evidence of your journey with God. Carry the evidence of your faith in God. Carry the evidence of your prayers. Carry the long awaited evidence of your expectations from God. Carry your congratulations. Carry those results that will wipe your tears and cause men to congratulate you. Carry those results that will remove every reproach from you.

Sarah’s evidence was the type of evidence that caused men to gather and celebrate with her. It was the sort of evidence that provoked celebrations and congratulations. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your evidence will be loud. Your results will provoke spontaneous celebrations. Your results will cause men to increase their faith in God. Your results will be so outstanding that it will cause men to believe God again.

Sarah’s conception was followed by delivery when the time was right. It was not a case of conception that was aborted. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your results will not be aborted. Your journey to your results will not stop on the way. Your journey to the top will not stop on the way. Your journey to significance and relevance will not stop on the way. Your journey to your high places will not stop on the way. You will not stop on the way.

Get set to carry that evidence that will terminate every argument that people have about your God. Get set to carry that evidence that will be loud.

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