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Building Your Home on a Solid Foundation – 2

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the concluding part of this edition. I believe you now understand that to have a successful home, you must consciously build it on a solid foundation. Therefore, this week, we shall dive deeper into Building Your Home on a Solid Foundation.

What is a foundation?

According to the Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, foundation is principles, ideas and facts on which something is based. It can refer to the base on which something stands. Also, it is the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. The foundation of a building determines to a great extent what happens to it and whether that building will last long or not. When the foundation is faulty, the building cannot be sustained. So, foundation is everything; nothing can adequately substitute the need for a solid foundation. It is the same thing with marriage;  to have a successful home, you must lay your foundation upon the solid rock, that is, the person of Jesus Christ.

The Word says: For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11). Therefore, as a woman who desires to experience heaven on earth in her home and marriage, the Word of God should be the major tool in running your home (John 1:1). The more you give the Word of God room in your home, the better. When you pattern your home after God’s Word, it will definitely stand the test of time. But, if you do not build your home on God’s Word, the wind will blow on it and great will be the fall of it. The Word says: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it (Matthew 7:27). Also, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalm 11:3). Therefore, the righteous can do nothing once the foundation is destroyed. So, do not attempt to run your home outside Jesus Christ and expect to make it. Jesus is the only sure foundation.

However, to have a solid foundation for your home, you have to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. If you are not born-again, please say this prayer of faith: Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner, and I cannot help myself. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Precious Blood. Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the Living God. From today, Lord Jesus, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me! Now, I am Born-again.

Congratulations! You are now born again and a child of God. He loves you and will never leave or forsake you. With this, you are guaranteed all-round rest and peace, in Jesus’ name! Please write or call to share your testimonies with me through OR 08141320204 and 07026385437.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian Bookstores: Building a Successful Family, Making Marriage Work and The Wisdom that Works (Bishop David Oyedepo)

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