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Blossoming In Love 2. So many people have different definitions of love but the love that is the greatest is genuine, agape love. God’s kind of love is sacrificial, unconditional and forever. If you are a believer you should never get tired of hearing about love because in our world today love is in short supply.

Why is love important?

Love is the greatest virtue of a believer: (1 Corinthians 13:13) Christ’s central message was love, He cared deeply about people of all levels. He exuded so much love that people would constantly flock around Him. Christ’s miracles were motivated by love. Even when He was asked which commandment was the greatest He said it was love for God and then love for your neighbour. You may not know how to speak in tongues or pray for love but if you walk in love you will never miss God.
Without the love of Christ in your heart, you cannot exhibit Christ-likeness: People will do things against you but it is the love of Christ in you that enables you to cope. Love is the believers emblem, it is our logo and our identity (John 13:35 NIV). If you claim you’re a Christian but people cannot feel love from you, there is something wrong. Love is so fundamental to the believers life and without it you are walking in darkness. Apostle John compared walking in love to walking in the light (1 John 2:9-10NIV). When you live God, He will occupy your mind. If you love God you must identify with Him publicly, people must know you belong to His team
There are the many things the devil will do to distract you so you don’t blossom. He will try to steal the revelation that God has given you. he will send people to hurt you so that bitterness will take root in your heart and love cannot grow and where there is no love, you can’t find God. Our world is not perfect but you must guard your heart, because out of it follows the forces that govern your life. When we understand and experience the love of God, it will be the anchor of our souls. (1 John 4:9-10 NIV)

How does God’s love operate?

Gods love forgives: There is no sin that He cannot forgive so be like your Heavenly father, even Christ forgave the people that killed Him. One of the names of the Devil is the accuser of our brethren (Revelation 12:10 NKJV). When we sin and our hearts condemn us, the devil wants us to bear the guilt and the shame in our hearts. (1 John 4:17-18 MSG), (1 John 3:16-18 NIV).

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Bolutife Oluyomi on Wednesday, February 7, 2023

Watch this sermon here

The post Blossoming In Love 2 appeared first on Daystar Christian Centre.

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