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Being A Non-Fruit Bearing Believer Is A Risk, Bishop Oyedepo Reveals

Soul winning comes through on 3 different platforms

  • On the prayer altar:

In your closet, your status notwithstanding. Your bedroom is your bedroom. There is no law against prayers, but why are you not praying? You don’t know it has to do with your glorious destiny.  Prayer is one of the sharpest sickles of harvest into the Kingdom and it is everybody’s responsibility and when we don’t take responsibility, we end up a liability.
When ye pray not if ye pray, thy Kingdom first – Matthew 6:6,9-10
“…Thy Kingdom come”: That won’t come until this gospel is preached among all nations and then shall the end come – Matthew 24:14



Isaiah 66:7-8
As soon as Zion travailed on the altar of prayer, she brought forth her children.
You can pray your colleague into salvation. You can pray your students, as a teacher, into salvation. You can pray your parents to salvation, many of us did that.
My duty is so hard: But you go to the toilet. Pray in the toilet now.
You can be a fruit bearing branch on the prayer altar.
You don’t know how that relates to your destiny, that is how you just feel, “I don’t have time, you see I have board meeting”: But you eat. Your board meeting doesn’t stop you from eating. Anybody who can eat can pray.
“Give us today our daily bread”; You want to eat, so pray thy Kingdom come and you step into realms of glory.

  • We become fruit bearing believers is through witnessing Jesus to the unsaved for their salvation.

You are baptized in the Holy Ghost to be an effective witness. A witness in court is somebody who knows what actually happened and could state it. “I met Him, He changed my life and He has changed the lives of many in our Church; He is still changing lives today. I am a witness”: simple, you don’t need too many scriptures running about.
John 4:29 – That woman went wild to town, “come, see a man”: That is a witness
John 9:27 – The blind man said to them, “Will you want to be His disciples?” That is a witness.

A witness is not a preacher, he is a testifier before your testimony comes, share the testimonies of others in saying, “Jesus is alive today. You come to Him, He changes your life too”: That is a witness. A witness is not, “John said, Joshua said”: No, that is a preacher.
We used to sing a hymn many years ago, sings in Yoruba (I was there when a crown of thorns was placed on Him, when He was pierced with a spear): That is a witness
Everybody on the field knew that Jesus healed me of tuberculosis and I share your testimonies: That is a witness.
I don’t quote ‘Joshua said, John said’, what if he has a John in his house that is not a proper human being. “So He knows John. God forbid, I don’t want to be like John”: You will just spoil your thing. Just testify of the hand of God upon His people. That is a witness.

You don’t have a testimony yet, according to you because what you have is not big enough to be a testimony, that is why it is not bigger.  As a prosperity messenger, I was giving testimony of 500 Naira, of 1000 Naira. Now millions is not a testimony for me now. You better start testifying. You don’t lack what you give, you only lack what you keep. Everyone baptized in the Holy Ghost, the primary reason is to make you an effective witness of Christ. It emboldens you to share about your Saviour and what He does in the lives of men, including your person.
He gave you peace. If you are saved, you have peace. If you don’t have peace, you are not saved Sir. It is one of the original natural fruits of salvation: Peace, Joy.
Real salvation brings peace and joy – Galatians 5:22
You say, “How do you know?” I know. I am 52 years young in it. I know it works.
Friends, I have never had a sleepless night on this Ministry: that a night, I said, “O God, O God, where are you?

  • To be a fruit bearing believer is to be a soul bringer.

A ‘Come and See’ agent, a Jesus marketer, a Church marketer: Come to our Church my friend, He deals with all these kinds of things regularly, ‘always-ly’
You don’t need to be experienced to be a soul bringer. Just like you invite people on your birthday, you don’t need anointing for that. Our grandchildren invite their friends for their birthdays, they don’t have any experience but they can invite. You are not a witness because you have not received the equipping for it: be an inviter. Be a come and see agent. By all means, be a fruit bearer. Interestingly, your harvest field is your environment: your workplace, your neighbourhood.
You give somebody a lift in your car: it’s a harvest field.
Somebody comes to ask you for counsel: it’s a harvest field.
Somebody is asking you about the way out: “I don’t know the way but I know the One who knows the way, Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life”
Everything around you.
Your relations: harvest field. Pray for their salvation. Witness to them when you are enabled or invite them which you are able. You don’t need enabling to invite, you just need a passion.
You ask me, “what are you preaching to those fellows in 1973?” I don’t know. You may ask them, “I don’t know too.” But they kept coming because they were hearing something.



Passion: That is the fuel of being a fruit bearing believer. No passion, you can’t bear fruits.
Can you bear a child without pregnancy? Passion is the pregnancy of a soul winner.
Those on the prayer altar, they are praying, “let every soul winner in this Church this week bring forth fruits.” You are part of this thing, that he that soweth and he that watereth might rejoice together – John 4:36, 1 Corinthians 3:8
You are pumping the fire and they are fanning the fire on the field and you are sharing the rewards.
That’s one of the platforms of experiencing our glorious destiny.

Being a non-fruit bearing believer is a risk.
“Cut it down. Why cumbereth it the ground?” – Luke 13:6-9
God: You are only your own, nothing of My own in your heart.
Being a non-fruit bearing believer is a risk Sir. Church Gist. Don’t toy with it!!
-May every member of this Church worldwide become an active fruit bearing believer.


-May this be demonstrated bodily in your own life this year.
In the multitude of people is the King’s honour – Proverbs 14:28
Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He that honours Me, I will honour in return – 1 Samuel 2:30
Your heritage of glory, your heritage of honour is tied to your fruit bearing life. Don’t ever toy with it. Not to be a fruit bearing ‘Prayer-list’, not to be a fruit bearing witness and not to be a fruit bearing Come and See agent: it is an empty life and nature abhors vacuum.
Fill it with passion for God. You will make your great marks on the earth.
He said, “My son, give me your heart so the devil won’t have one to take” – Proverbs 23:26
Give Me your whole heart so that I can rescue you from the hold of the devil. Give me your heart and the devil will have nothing to take on you.

Every fruit bearing believer is a distributor of peace and it multiplies back to him: the Gospel of peace with your feet – Ephesians 6:15
You are a part of distributing the gospel of peace, the peace of God, so you can’t lack it.
Anything you give, you get back as harvest: health and vitality; guaranteed old age. You can’t buy that with money. It is your portion.


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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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