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Categories: Powerful Articles


Many especially Christians all over the world is not ignorant of the story of the two twin brothers Esau and Jacob the sons of Rebecca and Isaac (Genesis 25, 26, 27 vs 1 – 29). Many tends to be so serious with their career but reap little and some, as well do not do much but even excel much more even above the seriously minded fellows, this is ofcourse ‘The Experience’.
Although we blame Esau’s misfortune on time delay, Isaac’s blindness and Rebecca’s love (mothers love). There is also fundamentals we equally ignore in this super-story, that is, Esau’s priority. We also know that Esau’s priority was his “career not God”.
Many prioritise their career, academics qualifications, position, professional status etc forgetting God and when they are prodigious, the push their blames to something, just like Esau. Jacob on the other hand was never a seriously minded fellow, I am not saying is not good to be seriously minded, but it is bad to belief and rely on your own intelligential or ability.
Jacob was crafty, deceitful and all what not, but never for once attributed his success to his ability – that is why he was always close to his mother. Jacob also feared God (Genesis 27 vs 12; My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing) it takes the fear of God to differentiate between “a curse and a blessing”.
Again, Jacob, before taking a decision seeks counsels from the mother (Genesis 27vs11; And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man). Jacob would have sought his own solution like many would do, example the likes of “I”, “Myself” individuals who rely on their own ability and believed they are always right and perfects, irrespective of who is involved.
To get out of the ugly experience, it is therefore necessary to
Acknowledge God: Acknowledging God is a very essential prerequisite to attending good success, bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you.
Many in the world today have misinterpreted this portion of the bible to suit their greed and selfishness, they have even pioneered a popular saying that says Heaven help those who help themselves and this erroneous statement have been what their mind centre and these misinterpretation of the word of God have been the worm that eats up progression of believers to nothing, right from the time of Moses people that believed in their effort, without God never succeeded. Therefore focus on God the Alpha and Omega “the beginning and the end”.
To attend unstoppable, uncollapsible and unqualifiable success or progression, it is therefore pertinent to Acknowledge the giver (God) making him your personal lord and saviour.

Make God your Priority: Making God your priority is placing God the number one (No.1) to you nothing matters “first” but God, that is, before taking a decision or doing a thing you get an approval from God, let God be your priority – wealth is vain, power is vain but God is the ultimate; by making God your priority you have a closeness with God which he (God) directs your paths and by this you will attend Unbeatable success.

Seeks Counsels: Attending good success does not only depend on yourself effort or ability – you need someone to survive, never underestimates others (Prov.15:22; without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellers they are established). Accept other people opinion they are also relevant if you must succeed, Rebecca conspired with his son and she succeeded when she needed the husband to bless her beloved son Jacob, this ofcourse is counsels.

You need counsellors you need Authorities apart form the Almighty which is the ultimate you need mentors, attending success, two needs to agree, do not act without seeking wise counsels (Proverb 24:6; For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellers there is safety).

Lean not on your own understanding: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and learn not on your own understanding in all your ways Acknowledge him he shall direct your part (Proverb 3:5). Trust in God, learn on him completely, many people trust in the chariot, witchcraft and Ogboni cult and everything worth not all these will fail but God, the Author and the finisher of our faith will never fail.

Study the word of God: Study the word of God, as the only tools to be accomplished, do not ignore the principles of the tools to stand strong which is the word of God – study to show yourself approve as a workman for Christ and this is when you will achieve good success (2Timothy 2:15). Do not let the book of the lord department from you but study it day and night to attend good success (Joshua 1:8).

Cultivates the Fruit of Good Works: Colossians 1:10, Walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Do good work, do good to people around you, do not make people feel intimated whenever you are around rather let people see Christ in you, cultivate the habit of good work be Addicted to doing good; all the time do good whether in the dark or in the light. And by doing these you will experience lasting wealth, blessings, favour and excellent etc.
By following these facts you can be out of Esau’s Experience and enjoy the Israeli Encounter. We pray you to experience the unwavering change that comes with the supernatural power of God in all ramification of your life; have a blessed 2019 – Amen.
At Peniel Christian Outreach we are here to encourage you wrestle just like Jacob to get whole of what stop you, and encounter an unwavering change.
@Peniel we care.
If this message has been a blessing to you, kindly write to us at PENIEL, Non-Denominational Christian Outreach, follow us on Facebook: Peniel Christian Forum also contact us on mobile – Pastor & Mrs. Umoh +2349090590263, +2347058147498

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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